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Category Date Subject
12/10/2013 Land Lease Bay Avenue Property Details
12/10/2013 ADA Transition Plan Details
12/10/2013 Property Exchange with W.C. Bradley Company - Front Avenue, 11th Street, and Bay Avenue Details
12/10/2013 Street Acceptance - That portion of Massee Lane located in Old Town Development - Phase One Details
12/10/2013 Enterprise Zone ? McDonald?s Company Details
11/26/2013 Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Grant Application Details
11/26/2013 Adult Felony Drug Court Details
11/26/2013 Enterprise Zone Application: Hill Three, LLC, d.b.a. Bojangles of Columbus Details
11/26/2013 Accountability Court Agreement with the New Horizons Community Service Board Details
05. 1st Reading 9/24/2013 Parking Restrictions on Midtown Drive and Citizens Way Details
05. 1st Reading 8/13/2013 Phillips Street - No Parking Anytime restriction Details
04. City Attorney 7/23/2013 Agenda Report TSPLOST Discretionary Funds Details
05. 1st Reading 7/9/2013 Hamilton Road and Talbotton Road \n \n Street Right-of-way Abandonment Details
6/11/2013 Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant Program Details
6/11/2013 Street Acceptance - Vineyard Lane Cul-de-sac located in Arbor Pointe - AKA Baker Village Details
6/11/2013 No Parking Anytime Details
6/11/2013 Fair Housing Organization Initiative Grant Details
5/28/2013 Adult Felony Drug Court Details
5/28/2013 Housing Authority of Columbus Redevelopment of Booker T. Washington Details
5/28/2013 DOT - Memorandum of Understanding agreement Details
5/28/2013 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Application Details
5/28/2013 Street Acceptance- City Service Center Complex Details
5/28/2013 McKee Road Property Acquisition Details
5/28/2013 13th Street Bridge Closure Details
3/26/2013 Juvenile Drug Court Grant. Details
3/26/2013 Acquisition of Property at River Mill Tax Map Numbers 008 008 004, 008 008 007 and 008 008 006. Details
3/26/2013 TIA Project Agreement - US 27/Custer Road Interchange Reconstruction/Modification at Fort Benning Details
3/26/2013 TIA Project Agreement - Intercity Express Bus Park-N-Ride Service Details
3/26/2013 Property Disposition ? Vacant Property on Reese Road Details
3/26/2013 Contract Amendment with Brasfield Gorrie GC at Risk for the City Service Center Details
3/26/2013 TIA Project Agreement - Columbus River Walk Details
3/26/2013 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) for purchasing Intoxiliyzer for the Muscogee County Jail. Details
3/26/2013 Memorandum of Understanding Between Neighborworks Columbus and Columbus Consolidated Government for "Downpayment Assistance Partner Program". Details
3/26/2013 Accept Property from Norfolk Southern to Memorialize "Old Colored Cemetery" Details
3/26/2013 Riverwalk Damage Details
3/19/2013 Agreement with Columbus Regional Tennis Association (CORTA), Columbus State University (CSU) and the City of Columbus (City) concerning the expansion of Cooper Creek Tennis Center. Details
05. 1st Reading 3/12/2013 Linden Point Parking restriction Agenda Details
05. 1st Reading 3/12/2013 Ivy Avenue - Street Abandonment Agenda Details
2/5/2013 FY 2014 Grant Application for GDOT/FTA 5303 Planning Assistance, FTA/GDOT 5307 Capital and Planning Assistance Details
2/5/2013 14th Street Pedestrian Bridge Supplemental Agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation Details
2/5/2013 Prolamation for Severe Weather Awareness Week Details
05. 1st Reading 1/8/2013 Wildwood Avenue - Extension of Parking Restrictions Details
12/11/2012 Acceptance of Deed to Property ? 5836 Pratt Avenue, Subsequent Transfer to the Land Bank Authority Details
12/11/2012 Aerial Photography and LiDAR Data Acquisition Details
12/11/2012 Georgia Power Lease Agreement, Temporary License Agreement, and Minor Amendments to Memorandum of Understanding with Uptown on Whitewater. Details
12/11/2012 Street Acceptance - Oak Crossing Drive, that portion of Sable Court and that portion of Oaks Drive located in Section Six, Sable Oaks of Midland Details
01. Mayor's Agenda 12/11/2012 Approval is requested to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to provide the Housing Authority of Columbus the option to acquire properties purchased by the City in the Liberty District through the 1999 SPLOST program and in accordance with the Liberty District Master Redevelopment Plan and to provide $500,000 per year for six years in supplemental funding for the project.. Details
12/11/2012 Wynnbrook Baptist Church - Variance to construct new monument sign on right-of-way Details
12/11/2012 FY 2013 Georgia DOT - Supplemental Planning Contract Details
12/11/2012 Street Acceptance - Aflac Parkway Details
12/4/2012 Annual Maintenance Contract - P25 Switch, 800 Mhz System Details
05. 1st Reading 11/27/2012 43rd Street - Proposed No Parking Zone Details
05. 1st Reading 11/27/2012 Harley Court - Proposed No Parking Anytime zone Details
9/25/2012 Abandonment of a Portion of Drainage and Utility Easement located in the rear portion of 1008 Eden Street Details
9/25/2012 CJCC Grant - Contractor Details
05. 1st Reading 9/11/2012 Mayor and Councilors Details
8/28/2012 Riverwalk Landscape Easement Details
8/28/2012 2013 Annual Transmission System Service Agreement Details
8/28/2012 Chattahoochee River Park Lease Agreement Details
05. 1st Reading 8/14/2012 Forston Road - Truck Route System revision Details
05. 1st Reading 8/14/2012 Wildwood Avenue - No Parking Anytime Zone Details
7/31/2012 Council of Juvenile Court Judges-Purchase of Service Grant Details
7/10/2012 Buena Vista Road Corridor Study (Wynnton Road to Illges Road) Contract Details
7/10/2012 Bright From the Start Grant Details
6/26/2012 Passenger Rail Feasibility Study Contract Details
6/26/2012 Alternative Transportation Study Details
6/26/2012 Landscape Easement Agreement Details
6/26/2012 FY 2013 Georgia DOT - Transportation Planning Contract Details
6/26/2012 Commodities Distribtution Plan Details
6/26/2012 Spider Web Study Contract - \n \n (Buena Vista Road / St. Mary's Road / Brennan Road / Andrews Road) Details
6/26/2012 Donated Goods and Volunteer Management Plan Details
6/26/2012 Agreement with Georgia Southwestern Railroad, Inc. \n \n Details
6/19/2012 Donated Goods and Volunteer Management Framework Details
6/19/2012 MOU- 17th Street Crosswalks Details
6/19/2012 Commodities Distribution Plan Details
3/16/2012 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Grant ? Weatherization Program UPDATE \n \n Details
3/13/2012 Street Acceptance - Palazzo Place, Promenade Place, Patina Place and that portion of Oriana Drive located in The Promenades Details
3/13/2012 Whittlesey Rd project #: STP00-8060-00(002), Muscogee County \n \n Railroad Force Account Agreement Details
3/13/2012 Utility Relocation Agreement for Whittlesey Road Widening Project Details
1/24/2012 FY2013 Grant Application for Capital and Planning Assistance Details
05. 1st Reading 1/10/2012 Glenview Drive ? Street Abandonment Details
05. 1st Reading 10/11/2011 Revised parking restrictions on Flournoy Drive and Cherokee Avenue \n \n Details
05. 1st Reading 8/9/2011 Revision of Weed Ordinance Details
05. 1st Reading 3/22/2011 Cathryn Drive - Street Abandonment Details
05. 1st Reading 11/23/2010 Fire District Revisions - City Code 11-7.1.(b) Details
05. 1st Reading 11/9/2010 Historic District Parking on Right-of-way Details
08. City Manager 10/26/2010 Wells Fargo - Advertising Sign on Right-of-way Details
08. City Manager 10/26/2010 Representation on the Regional Transportation Roundtable Committee Details
08. City Manager 9/14/2010 2010 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Grant Program Details
05. 1st Reading 9/14/2010 Anthony Street - No Parking Anytime Details
08. City Manager 8/24/2010 Agreement with Georgia Southwestern Railroad, Inc. Details
05. 1st Reading 8/10/2010 School Zone Times Changes Details
05. 1st Reading 7/13/2010 Commerce Street, No Parking - Agenda Report Details
05. 1st Reading 3/9/2010 Moratorium on billboards & multi-message Details
05. 1st Reading 2/9/2010 Comprehensive Plan Ordinance Amendment Details
05. 1st Reading 2/9/2010 Truck Route System Details
05. 1st Reading 12/8/2009 ?Weight Limit 3 Tons? Section to be added to City Code for Brown Avenue Details
05. 1st Reading 12/8/2009 Rails-to-Trails Rules Details
05. 1st Reading 11/10/2009 City Code Revision - Official Street Map Details
08. City Manager 9/8/2009 Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding with Pinnacle Homes Details
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