
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Enterprise Zone Application: Hill Three, LLC, d.b.a. Bojangles of Columbus
Planning Department
Approve application for ad valorem tax abatements as outlined in the Enterprise \n \n Zone Employment Act
Applicant is locating within the existing boundaries of the Columbus Business

Development Center (a.k.a. Enterprise Zone). Applicant proposes to combine 4

previously separate lots (now vacant) into one lot for commercial use, demolish

an existing dilapidated structure thereon and constructing a new retail

establishment - Bojangles Famous Chicken 'n Biscuits.
Applicant proposes to make a 1.435 million dollar investment in land, buildings

and equipment, landscape enhancement and paving. The business plan calls for

the creation of 50 jobs. The Enterprise Zone legislation stipulates that 5 new

jobs be created and maintained throughout the 10-year tax abatement period.
Financial Considerations
This request is for abatement of ad valorem taxes only, and building permit

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Applicant proposes to begin construction in January 2014 and complete

construction in mid-May 2014. Based on a planned investment of $1,435,000.00

in buildings, land and machinery and equipment, the ad valorem tax levied would

increase from the 41.40 mil rate in 2013 of $6,587.74 ($5,663.52 in land and

$924.22 in building structures) to approximately $23,763.60 (with a slight

adjustment to the state mil rate). Of that $23,763.60 of ad valorem taxes due,

the abatement would not cover school district taxes (23.37 mils) or state taxes

(.15 or .10 mils), nor would it abate Bond debt service (.79 mils) but would

only be an abatement for the city portion of ad valorem taxes collected (17.09

mils). The abatement, which is distributed over 10 years, 100% of the city's

portion for the first five years, then 80% in the sixth and seventh years, 60%

in the eighth year, 40% in the ninth year and 20% in the 10th year. Based on

this declining schedule, and using as value the applicant's stated investment

(actual appraisals are performed by the Tax Assessor's office), the

approximate tax abatement would be: Years 1-5 $9,809.66 each year, Years 6-7

$7,847.73 each year, Year 8 $5,885.80, Year 9 $3,923.86 & Year 10 $1,961.93 for

a total of $74,553.42 over ten years - an average annual abatement of

Legal Considerations
See letters of legal opinion provided by Robert Lomax regarding applicant

Recommendations/ Actions
The Planning Department recommends approval of the application