
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Historic District Parking on Right-of-way
to add a paragraph that regulates Parking on Right-of-way in the City's \n \n original Historic District for driveways that do not meet the City's driveway \n \n standards.
The City's original Historic District whose official boundaries are within the

area of 4th Street, Veterans Parkway, 9th Street and the Chattahochee River

continues to experience uncontrolled parking within the green spaces between

the street and the right-of-way/property line. A Historic District boundary

map is attached as information. Vehicles park randomly in this green space and

in many cases destroy the grass and create mud holes during inclement weather.

The Historic District was developed long before motor vehicles became the

primary means of travel. Hence, many of these properties do not have paved

driveways having only curb cuts. Many of the residential lots are narrow with

the houses taking up most of the lot to the point that some do not have space

to park vehicles on private property.
The Engineering Department met with residents and businesses within the

Historic District to hear concerns and seek solutions. In an effort to protect

and reclaim the green space while allowing structured parking for lots that do

not have paved driveways, we developed method of parking using existing unpaved

driveways and curb cuts. We met a second time with residents/businesses to

show them the new parking concept for which several Powerpoint slides are

attached. We received support of the people attending to allow a single line

of parking aligned with existing driveways/curb cuts parked perpendicular to

the street. We also developed alternate designed driveway standards to be used

in Historic Districts that will be presented as a companion ordinance at a

later date.
Financial Considerations
The amendment of this code does not create any direct cost to the City. It

will provide an opportunity to reclaim/regrass some of this area thru annual

right-of-way maintenance.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Amending a City Code requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached Ordinance that amends City Code Section 20-14.4 Sidewalks,


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