
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Moratorium on billboards & multi-message
Will Johnson
The Planning Department recommends an additional thirty (30) day extension to \n \n the current billboard and multi-message sign moratorium.
In December 2009, Council passed an ordinance placing a moratorium on permits

for billboards and multi-message signs due to abuse of the ordinance by various

entities. In January 2010, the Planning and Codes & Inspections Departments

created a small committee of billboard companies and concerned citizens and

began meeting with said committee. The committee participants are as follows:

Jeff Hudson & Andrew Roney, CBS Outdoor; Scott Bell, Bell Media; Rodney Milner,

ArtRod; and Ken Henson & Bob Hydrick, citizens. The committee and staff have

worked together on two scenarios: one of which is a radius and one of which is

a half-circle on the same side of the street. Staff is researching the effects

on existing signs that these scenarios may have.
A 30 day extension would enable staff to move a recommendation forward during

the moratorium time frame. Although it may take longer to go through the

zoning process than the moratorium time limit, the overlap shouldn't be too

Financial Considerations
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has advised that a 30 day extension is reasonable.
Recommendations/ Actions
The Planning Department recommends an additional thirty (30) day extension to

the current billboard and multi-message sign moratorium.

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