
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Comprehensive Plan Ordinance Amendment
Planning Department
The Planning Department recommends that Ordinance No. 08-63 be amended by \n \n adding a sentence to Subsection 2 of Section 1 so that the revised Subsection 2 \n \n reads as follows: \n \n \n \n ?2. Any modifications of the Plan by the Council shall be considered an \n \n amendment to this ordinance and require a public hearing before the Council. A \n \n rezoning or zoning decision by Columbus Council which modifies provisions of \n \n the Plan shall be considered an amendment to said Plan.?
The Comprehensive Plan was adopted by ordinance in 2008. In said ordinance,

Subsection 2 of Section 1 states:

"2. Any modifications of the Plan by the Council shall be considered an

amendment to this ordinance and require a public hearing before the Council."

This language does not consider situations when Council approves a rezoning

that is incosistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The original ordinance is

attached below.

When Council approves a rezoning that is incosistent with the Comprehensive

Plan, then that creates conflicts in the Plan. There is no formal amendment

process regarding amending the Plan; however, adding the additional sentence

allows the Plan to be adjusted to reflect the zoning without having to alter

the original ordinance to reflect a change.
Financial Considerations
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney created the aforementioned amendment.
Recommendations/ Actions
The Planning Department recommends approval.