
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Agenda Report TSPLOST Discretionary Funds
David Arrington, Deputy City Manager
Adoption of the attached criteria for selection and funding of projects \n \n utilizing the Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) - \n \n Discretionary Fund proceeds and approving the allocation of $750,000 of \n \n Discretionary Funds already collected for the purpose of performing critical \n \n bridge/culvert repairs.
The Transportation Investment Act approved by the voters in 2012 provides for

the allocation of a portion of the sales tax proceeds to be distributed to

local jurisdictions for local transportation projects. The use of these funds

is restricted to those areas outlined in Georgia Code. The sales tax was

implemented in January 2013 and the City has received $1,002,025 in

discretionary funds from the State of Georgia for the period January to May.
At the direction of Council, staff has developed criteria for the selection of

projects to be funded by the TSPLOST Discretionary Funds. Utilizing this

criteria staff will submit to Council in the first quarter of each calendar

year a list of projects to be funded with the sales tax proceeds. The funding

of projects utilizing TSPLOST Discretionary Funds will be on a Pay-As-You-Go

basis. The criteria is being submitted to Council for adoption by

resolution. The resolution includes an allocation request for $750,000 to

fund critical bridge/culvert repairs in Fiscal Year 2014 utilizing funds

already collected under the Discretionary Fund.
Financial Considerations
Proceeds from the TSPLOST Discretionary Fund will have a positive impact on

revenue. It is anticipated the sales tax will result in approximately

$2,500,000 in revenue for Fiscal Year 2014.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There is no project annual fiscal impact with the adoption of the criteria.
Legal Considerations
Expenditures of TSPLOST Discretionary Funds must be in compliance with Georgia

Code 48-8-249 (e) and 48-8-242 (10).
Recommendations/ Actions
Adopt the attached criteria for selection and funding of projects utilizing the

Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) - Discretionary

Fund proceeds and approving the allocation of $750,000 of Discretionary Funds

already collected for the purpose of performing critical bridge/culvert
