
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Linden Point Parking restriction Agenda
Approve the attached ordinance that will establish a ?No parking Anytime? zone \n \n along Linden Point beginning at the north curb of Poplar Street and running \n \n northerly along the west/outer curb circling clockwise around the street loop \n \n along the east/outer curb and hence southerly back to the north curb of Poplar \n \n Street.
The citizens that live along Linden Point requested that a parking restriction

be implemented because cars parked along the street restricts access to their

property, blocks emergency vehicle and limits traffic movement.
The Traffic Engineering Division surveyed Linden Point because we received a

written request to eliminate parking along Linden Point. With the survey,

Traffic Engineering discovered that the width of the street, the narrow

shoulders and cars parked along both sides of the street made traffic movement

difficult on Linden Point. By limiting parking to the outer curb, the

restriction will improve access to the properties and the traffic movement

along the street. A summary of the survey is attached.
Financial Considerations
The cost to install the signs will come out of Traffic Engineering operating

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
No project annual fiscal impact.
Legal Considerations
All traffic ordinances require Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the proposed parking ordinance.

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