
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Grant ? Weatherization Program UPDATE \n \n
Planning Department
Authorization is requested to execute an Agreement with Community Action for \n \n Improvement, Inc. (CAFI) to administer a home weatherization program under a \n \n grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, on behalf of the city.
The city has received funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of

2009, Public Law 111-5, through the Department of Energy (DOE). The EECBG

program provides a framework to reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions,

and to improve energy efficiency by the use of weatherization programs. This

weatherization program will retrofit residential buildings that meet income

eligibility requirements of 200% of poverty level by conducting energy audits

and the needed modifications to the homes to increase Energy Efficiency.

Community Action for Improvement, Inc., (CAFI) will act as the city?s agent for

this program to address the needs of each individual home.
The Weatherization program is designed to increase energy efficiency, and

reducing waste and pollution by replacing outdated and inefficient appliances.

The program will provide assistance for forty (40) homes, with an average total

of $6,500 per home that meet income eligibility requirements (200% of poverty

level). The program will be administered within the city?s targeted

redevelopment areas such as: Beallwood, 2nd Avenue, Medical Center, East

Highland, and Lawyers Lane. Since our initial presentation of this grant to

the Council, we have asked for and received a detailed itemized budget for this

program. The budget spreadsheet is attached and identifies salaries, supplies

and material costs for this project.

In addition, we have reviewed the contract that CAFI has with the Georgia

Environmental Assistance Program (state agency), which includes language for

providing assistance for rental units. Under that contract, it allows for

assistance to rental units provided that CAFI first obtains "written permission

of the owner of the unit or an agent authorized to bind the owner in this

matter...and without securing from the Owner written assurance that either: (1)

rents hsall not be raised because of any increased value of dwelling units that

is attributed solely to weatherization assistance provided by the Contractor

(CAFI); (2) where the rental payments include payment for utilities, a

corresponding decrease in rent shall be afforded tenants of dwelling units

weatherized by Contractor. Contractor will not perform undue or excessive

enhancement to the value of rental dwelling units weatherized. Contractor will

assist the Tenant in obtaining the certificates required above." Under this

section a rental unit, along with owner occupied units, allowed under this

program. The language shown here will be incorporated as part of our contract

with CAFI as well.

Community Action for Improvement, Inc., will be responsible for administering

and performing the weatherization program which will mandate that residential

energy assessments must be done by certified building analysts as established

by the city. The program must also include required heating and cooling system

performance and safety tests, and other reviews and actions required by the

technical standards. as established by the U.S.Department of Energy.

The agreement will allow CAFI to administer this program on behalf of the city,

which is the responsible agency for this grant. CAFI was chosen as a sole

source since no other local agency participates in the state's weatherization


Financial Considerations
The total amount for this grant program is $400,000. This amount includes both

administration and installation of weatherization materials under this grant.

There is not a required match for this program. The Georgia Environmental

Finance Authority (GEFA) is the lead agency for the State's energy programs and

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). GEFA issued an RFP, on March 24,

2011, for a Weatherization Program Service Provider for Muscogee County.

Community Action For Improvement, Inc., (CAFI) was the successful candidate,

awarded the contract on May 1, 2011. A detailed budget spreadsheet is attached.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
This is a one time cost. The funds are exclusively federal dollars with no

local match.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed Agreement and has approved its

Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with Community Action for

Improvement, Inc. for weatherization services.