
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Riverwalk Landscape Easement
David Arrington, Deputy City Manager
Authorize the City Manager to execute a Landscaping Easement with W.C. Bradley \n \n for a portion of the Riverwalk between 12th Street and 13th Street.
The section of the Riverwalk from 12th Street to 13th Street is located behind

the Eagle & Phenix Development and extends North to the 13th Street Bridge.

During construction of this section of the Riverwalk a fence was erected along

the East side of the Riverwalk to provide separation from the private

development. The area behind the fence, approximatley 3,700 sq. ft., is on

City property but not regularly maintained by City work crews since the area is

primarily a drainage feature. W.C. Bradley is proceeding with development of

their property to include underneath the 13th Street bridge and along the

Riverwalk. The company desire to keep the City property located behind the

Riverwalk fence but adjacent to their development landscaped. The company has

agreed to maintain the area at their expense.
Authorizing this easement will provide for a small tract of City property to be

maintained at no cost to the City. The agreement will result in a more

attractive Riverwalk. W. C. Bradley will be required to obtain the necessary

permits and approvals for any improvements to the area.
Financial Considerations
There is not cost to the City to execute this easement
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The easement will relieve the City of responsibility to maintain the

property. This will result in a minimal saving to the City.
Legal Considerations
Council approval is required for the Landscaping Easement
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to execute a Landscaping Easement with W.C. Bradley

Company for a portion of the Riverwalk between 12th Street and 13th Street.