
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Aerial Photography and LiDAR Data Acquisition
Engineering Department - GIS Division
Approve a resolution to authorize the City Manager to sign a Memorandum of \n \n Understanding (MOU) to Partner with Newton County and Bibb County for the \n \n purpose of mutual support in the Purchase of Aerial Photogrammetric service and \n \n product under the existing contract exercised by Newton County.
Partner with Newton County and Bibb County for the purpose of mutual support in

the Purchase of Aerial Photogrammetric service and product under the existing

contract exercised by Newton County. Specifically, the City will receive

county-wide High Resolution Aerial Photography, and county-wide 2-ft elevation

contours for use in the City's Geographic Information System. The aerial

photography has not been updated since 2010 and the elevation data has not been

updated county-wide since 2004. The services are required due to ongoing

development in the Columbus/Fort Benning area. As new development occurs,

updated aerial imagery is required for property appraisal, Public Safety and

Newton County maintains a contract with a NOAA and USGS approved

Photogrammetric vendor. They have received appropriate value from that vendor

for data and services provided. This contract has produced exceptional and

uniform data, and Newton County will be executing it?s authority under this

contract to obtain Aerial Ortho Photography and LiDAR (elevation) data.

Columbus will save substantial funds by purchasing this data in partnership.
Financial Considerations
The cost to the City will be $112,000. The total cost is $147,000, Columbus

Water Works will contribute $20,000 to the project. The USGS has an interest in

acquiring aerial photography for a larger geographic area, which happens to

include Columbus, they are willing to share $15,000 towards the cost of the

acquisition. Newton County has been allowed to arrange payment for this data

and services over two budget cycles without penalty if this practice is

desirable to the participants as a money management practice.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The data will be made available on the GIS website.
Legal Considerations
The City will be bound to comply with the conditions of the Newton County

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a resolution to authorize the City Manager to sign a Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) to Partner with Newton County and Bibb County for the

purpose of mutual support in the Purchase of Aerial Photogrammetric service and

product under the existing contract exercised by Newton County.

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