
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Wynnbrook Baptist Church - Variance to construct new monument sign on right-of-way
Wynnbrook Baptist Church requests a variance to City Code Section 4.4.8. \n \n Signs in Public Right-of-way; to allow the continuance and structural \n \n improvements to the existing monument style church sign located within the \n \n right-of-way of River Knoll Way and River Road, State Route 219.
Wynnbrook Baptist Church installed a monument style church sign prior to the

adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The existing monument

sign is located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of River Road and

River Knoll Way located within the right-of-way. This sign location is on the

opposite side of River Knoll Way from property owned by the church. The face

of the sign is 35 feet from the River Road edge of paving and 18 feet from the

curb face of River Knoll Way. You will find photos of the existing church sign

and the proposed new sign attached in Ecap.
The UDO allows non-conforming signs to remain in place to include performing

normal maintenance. Any non-conforming sign that is upgraded shall meet all

current City Code requirements. Since the existing sign is not on church

property, a permit cannot be issued for the proposed improvements. The church

owns property along the north side of River Knoll Way that provides them the

opportunity to construct a new monument sign on private property meeting the

requirements of the UDO. The church does not own any property along the south

side where the existing sign is located.

The new monument sign includes an LED style screen which creates considerable

concern to traffic safety because of the brightness and glare to motorists. To

allow this nonconforming sign to be improved and located within public

right-of-way, a variance has to be approved by Council. Should Council

consider approving a variance, there are conditions that need to be included in

the variance.

1. The LED screen shall automatically dim to a lower lighting level for night

time and low light conditions to reduce glare to motorists. The Traffic

Engineering Manager shall meet with the owner to determine the acceptable

lighting levels during low light conditions for the LED screen.

2. The LED screen shall not display any flashing messages, displays, noise or


3. Should the Federal, State or City provide any improvements to the roadway

and/or right-of-way for which this sign becomes a conflict, the sign will be

removed and/or relocated at no expense to any governmental agency.

The Georgia Department of Transportation agrees to issue a permit for the new

sign provided that the City approves an encroachment permit.
Financial Considerations
There are no costs to the City beyond administrative cost for permitting and

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There are not future fiscal impacts to the City.
Legal Considerations
A variance to the City Code requirements for private signs on public

right-of-way requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Since Wynnbrook Baptist church has the ability to build a new sign on private

property meeting the City Code requirements, neither the Engineering nor

Inspections and Code Departments support the requested variance.

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