
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
FY 2013 Georgia DOT - Supplemental Planning Contract
Planning Department
Approval is requested to execute a Supplemental Contract with the Georgia \n \n Department of Transportation (GDOT) for additional funding for the \n \n Columbus-Phenix City \n \n Transportation Study (C-PCTS).
The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) received a contract from the


DOT for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Section 112 Funds to perform


planning activities identified in the Columbus-Phenix City Unified Planning

Work Program (UPWP) and

said contract was approved by Council on June 26, 2012. FHWA requires an

annual report outlining the

activities, budget, and money spent during the fiscal year. The additional

funding that is being added to

our FY 13 Budget are carry over funds from FY 12 and the remaining FY 2013

Metro Planning Funds based

on the new Transportation Bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century

(MAP-21). Therefore, the

C-PCTS will present an amendment to the MPO - Policy Committee on December 20,

2012 to

amend the 2013 Unified Planning Work Program to include this additional

The Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study (C-PCTS) serves as the


Planning Organization (MPO) for the urban area. The Transportation Planning

Division is the designated

MPO recipient and project administrator of Section 112 Transportation Planning

Funds. The transportation

planning funds are designated for the Columbus-Phenix City MPO for the

performance of multi-modal

transportation activities.
Financial Considerations
The additional Federal funds in the amount of $106,726.05 will be added

to the original contract in the amount of $237,894.28 (80%) is requested in

the form of a supplemental

contract with the Georgia Department of Transportation. The additional Local

Match of $26,681.51 (20%)

will be added to the original local funds of $59,473.57 and will be drawn from

the Multi-Governmental Funds

(Account 216). The following is a breakdown of funding sources.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
This is a supplemental contract with GDOT

which will require a 20% match from the Multi-Governmental Funds (Account 216).
Legal Considerations
The Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study is in compliance with

all applicable planning requirements and certifications necessary in order to

receive the additional

federal funds.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign

contract to receive the additional Federal Funding fo the FY 2013

Transportation Planning Activities.

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