
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Agreement with Columbus Regional Tennis Association (CORTA), Columbus State University (CSU) and the City of Columbus (City) concerning the expansion of Cooper Creek Tennis Center.
Parks and Recreation
Approval is requested to enter into an agreement with CORTA and CSU for the \n \n City to provide up to $1,500,000 for the expansion of Cooper Creek Tennis \n \n Center.
The City has been in a partnership with CORTA for several years concerning

promoting the game of tennis to the surrounding area. Cooper Creek Tennis

Center is the home of this partnership.

Tennis has experienced a tremendous growth in participation in the Columbus

area. CORTA and Cooper Creek Tennis Center have well over 2,500 active tennis

players that use Cooper Creek Tennis Center and growth is expected to occur.

CORTA will host several sectional, regional and state tournaments at the Tennis

Center with plans to bid on more tournaments in the near future.

Due to the continued increase in participation, the tennis complex is lacking

adequate courts, restroom facility and concession areas. This agreement will

add twelve (12) hard courts and ten (10) clay courts to Cooper Creek Tennis

Center. Additionally, there will be a clubhouse with restrooms added on the

new expansion site.

This project is one of the capital projects in the 2008 Local Option Sales Tax

(LOST) presentations to be funded with proceeds from the LOST. The balance of

the funding needed for construction will come from private funds.

Management of the courts would be through the Department of Parks and

Recreation similar to the management of the current courts with CSU being

provided reserved time for practice and matches for which they would pay an

annual fee.

Financial Considerations
The City will contribute $1,500,000 and will provide a commitment letter for

said $1,500,000 that the funds for construction can be drawn down when needed

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed the contract and approved as to form.

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the execution of the contract with CORTA and CSU for the expansion of

Cooper Creek Tennis Center.

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