
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Grant Application
Marshal?s Office
Approval is requested to submit, and if approved, accept a small grant for \n \n $23,745 from the Firehouse Subs Public Foundation for the Muscogee County \n \n Marshal?s Office and amend the Multi-Governmental Fund (216) by a like amount.
The purpose of the grant is to enhance the Muscogee County Marshal?s Office

ability to help detect and apprehend criminals who are mobile by purchasing a

Mobile License Plate Reader. Funding for this project is in the form of a

one-time grant award up to $23,745.
The grants awarded through the foundation are limited to $23,745 maximum. No

matching funds are required. The project is funded for a twelve (12) month

period. Locally, Captain Curtis Lockette will manage the grant. The grant

requests approval to purchase one (1) Mobile License Plate Reader for $23,745.

Projects under this category are not eligible for continuation funding.
Financial Considerations
The proposed resolution will authorize the acceptance of a grant up to $23,745

from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation. There is no matching fund

requirement; therefore, there will be no impact on the general fund by

accepting the grant.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There will be NO fiscal impact on the CCG budget.
Legal Considerations
: Approval of the grant will obligate the City to all conditions of the grant

Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the submission, and if approved, the acceptance of a grant for

$23,745 from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for the Muscogee

County Marshal?s Office and amend the Mutli-Governmental Fund (216) by a like


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