
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Truck Route System
Engineering Department
Approval is hereby requested to establish a revised Truck Route System \n \n ordinance that will establish weight and length restrictions for Thru Truck \n \n Routes and Local Truck Routes within the City Limits that will apply to all \n \n vehicles.
Complaints were received from many neighborhoods regarding the use of

local/residential streets by heavy trucks. A Truck Committee was formed and

meetings held involving these residents, our local trucking industry and other

local concerns. The Truck Committee listened to concerns of residents and the

trucking industry to develop criteria and candidate streets/roadways for the

new Truck Route System. Consideration was also given to the Georgia Statutory

weight restrictions and the locations of truck destinations such as industrial

parks. A set of proposed truck routes was developed and presented at two

public information meetings. The first meeting was held on October 8, 2009 at

the Schomburg Road Baptist Church. The second meeting was held on November 9,

2009 at the Columbus Public Library on Macon Road.
The existing truck restrictions enumerated in Code Section 2.48 will be

replaced with a set of schedules listing roadways with weight and length

restrictions based on the classification of the roadway.
Financial Considerations
The cost of the Truck Route System signs will be approximately $75.00 each

being charged to the Traffic Engineering Division Operating Budget. A set of

signs will be posted on each street with the weight and length restrictions for

the truck routes. Information will also be made available to the public by way

of the City website.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
All vehicle weight and length restriction ordinances require approval by

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached Truck Route System ordinance for Columbus/Muscogee County.

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