
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
DOT - Memorandum of Understanding agreement
Approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a \n \n Memorandum of Understanding with the Georgia Department of Transportation to \n \n allow the City to bid and build a Quick Response project funded by the \n \n Department to construct a travel lane along the eastbound section of the J.R. \n \n Allen Parkway from the northbound off ramp of I-185 to the eastbound off ramp \n \n to Veterans Parkway in the amount of $310,632.00.
The City requested the Georgia DOT to construct a travel lane along the

eastbound section of the J.R. Allen Parkway between the I-185 northbound off

ramp and the eastbound off ramp to Veterans Parkway. This section of roadway

has a high volume of vehicles exiting I-185 to access Veterans Parkway creating

congestion, back up and traffic accidents. This section of the J.R. Allen

Parkway collector-distributor roadways does not provide acceleration lanes

making the merge maneuver challenging.
The addition of this travel lane will eliminate the need for I-185 motorists

needing to exit to Veterans Parkway to weave out into the thru lane just the

exit some 900 feet away. This will also make it easier for eastbound J.R.

Allen Parkway traffic to merge into the new lane which will be a right turn

only at the Veterans Parkway ramp.

In order for the DOT to use the Quick Response fund, a check has to be executed

for this project by June 15, 2013. The Memorandum of Understanding agreement

will satisfy this requirement. The City has a new project designed to

construct an additional lane along the eastbound exit ramp of the J.R. Allen

Parkway to Veterans Parkway. It is our intent to advertise this project to bid

along with the Veterans Parkway ramp project during the FY-2014 budget cycle.
Financial Considerations
This is an opportunity to fund a needed project that may be lost if not

executed within the DOT FY-2013 fiscal year.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The City will be responsible for advertising the bid and supervising

Legal Considerations
All formal agreements with the Georgia DOT require Council approval.

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding agreement with the Georgia Department

of Transportation in the amount of $310,632.00.

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