
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Parking Restrictions on Midtown Drive and Citizens Way
Department of Engineering
Approve the attached ordinance that establishes ?No Parking Anytime? zones \n \n along Midtown Drive and Citizens Way, ?Four Hour Parking? zones along Midtown \n \n Drive, and ?Reserved Parking for Public Safety?, ?Handicap Parking?, and ?15 \n \n Minute Parking? zones along Citizens Way.
Midtown Drive and Citizens Way both provide direct street access to the

Chattahoochee Valley Library, Muscogee County School District Administration

Building, Aquatics Center, and City Services Center. Each facility is a

significant traffic generator with adequate on-site parking for citizens and

?No Parking? zones are needed along both streets to maintain two-way traffic

flow. Time-restricted parking zones are needed along Midtown Drive to

accommodate buses and other large vehicles during special events at the

Aquatics Center and other facilities. Restricted parking zones are needed on

Citizens Way near the main entrance of the City Services Center to accommodate

vehicles used by the disabled, public safety agencies, and couriers.
Financial Considerations
The costs to stripe the on-street parking spaces and to install the parking

signs will come out of the Traffic Engineering operating budget.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Should any signs be vandalized or damaged, they will be replaced using Traffic

Engineering funds.
Legal Considerations
All traffic ordinances require Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the proposed ?No Parking Anytime? and ?Restricted Parking? ordinance

for Midtown Drive and Citizens Way.

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