
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Housing Authority of Columbus Redevelopment of Booker T. Washington
Amy Carbajal, Community Reinvestment
Approve the Resolution and Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the \n \n Housing Authority to redevelop the Booker T. Washington housing development.
The Housing Authority has responded to opposition to the original Booker T.

Washington redevelopment plan in the Liberty District and developed an

alternative plan for the redevelopment of this site. The new site for the

first 100 units will be at the Chapman Homes site. The new three story

development will be set aside for senior citizens. Currenty, the Housing

Authority has approximately 100 Senior, public housing residents that may be

eligible for the new units.

Phase II of the Booker T. Washington redevelopment will follow the original

plan and will be built on the north side of the existing site. The site at the

corner of Veterans and Victory will be demolished to create an opportunity for

commercial development.

The Housing Authority is still seeking a 2013 Low Income Housing Tax Credit to

fund the development. That application is due in June, 2013. The Housing

Authority is asking for a financial commitment from the City in the amount of

$2,500,000. This will be paid in the following installments: $400,000 for

five years and $500,000 for the sixth year. The first payment will be due in

2015. The Housing Authority will provide the City with a prorata share of the

proceeds from the sale or lease of property.
The redevelopment of Booker T. Washington is in the best interest of the City

of Columbus and its own residents.
Financial Considerations
The annual installments will be from an Economic Development reserve

established by a millage rate pursuant to O.C.G.A. 48-5-350. This statute

allows many types of development projects to be funded by county governments

and their Development Authorities with a separate millage funding up to 3

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The monthly installments will impact the General Fund budget $500,000 each year

for 5 consecutive years.
Legal Considerations
All commitments are contingent upon the Housing Authority's successful tax

credit application. If the application is not successful, there are no legal

obligations to commit property or funding.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the Resolution and Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the

Housing Authority to redevelop the Booker T. Washington housing development.