
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
43rd Street - Proposed No Parking Zone
Department of Engineering
Approve the attached ordinance enacting a No Parking Anytime Zone for School \n \n Days Only along the north curb of 43rd Street beginning at the East curb of \n \n River Road and running East a distance of 1,084 feet.
The residences along the south side of 43rd Street have complained to Columbus

Tech about students parking along both the north and south curbs behind the

Columbus Tech property blocking two-way traffic.
All students attending Columbus Tech are supposed to purchase a Parking Permit

to park on school property. The removal of on-street parking along the north

curb of 43rd Street will encourage students to park in Columbus Tech parking

lots and insure that two-way traffic can be maintained along 43rd Street.

Forty-two Parking Surveys were sent to the residences along 43rd Street from

River Road to Earline Avenue receiving fourteen responses for which a summary

is attached. The majority of the responses supported the proposed restrictions

with the provision of ending the restrictions at the east side of the Columbus

Tech property.

Financial Considerations
The installation of the No Parking Anytime signs will cost the City

approximately $350.00.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The only future impact to the City is to replace any damaged No Parking signs.
Legal Considerations
A No Parking Anytime Zone requires an ordinance adopted by Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a No Parking Anytime Zone for School Days Only along the north curb of

43rd Street beginning at the East curb of River Road and running East a

distance of approximately 1,084 feet.

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