
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Fire District Revisions - City Code 11-7.1.(b)
Bill Duck, Director, Inspections & Code Enforcement Department
The Department of Inspections & Code Enforcement recommends removal of City \n \n Code section 11-7.1. (b). \n \n \n \n Sec. 11-7.1. Fire District. \n \n \n \n (b) Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of Macon Road and the \n \n western line of Rigdon Road; thence running southeasterly along Rigdon Road to \n \n the southeastern line of Mimosa Street; thence southerly along Rigdon Road a \n \n distance of 350 feet, more or less; thence easterly to the western line of \n \n Lindsay Creek; thence northerly along the western line of Lindsay Creek to the \n \n northern line of Birchfield Drive; thence westerly along the northern line of \n \n Birchfield Drive to the western line of Fremont Avenue; thence southerly a \n \n distance of 225 feet, more or less, to a point located 172 feet south from \n \n Birchfield Drive; thence westerly to the western line of Auburn Avenue; thence \n \n southerly along the western line of Auburn Avenue to the northern line of Cross \n \n County Hill; thence westerly along the northern line of Cross County Hill a \n \n distance of 170 feet; thence southerly and parallel with Marilon Drive to the \n \n northern line of Macon Road; thence southwesterly along the northern line of \n \n Macon Road to the point of beginning.
The current fire districts were established years ago in the Uptown area and

the Cross Country Plaza-Columbus Square Mall area. These areas were created

for a number of reasons, such as multiple small lots in a row, closeness of

buildings to property lines or buildings located on the property line,

percentage of lot covered by these buildings, types of materials use for

construction, height of buildings, and the fire hazard they present to each

other, along with the potential of fire to spread from one to another.

Because of additional hazards existing in this environment, the Building Code

addressed these hazards by requiring additional standards in the Code whenever

a new building was constructed or an existing building was modified or

replaced. Those issues are addressed by applying building restrictions such as

types of construction permitted, exterior walls, prohibiting hazard occupancy,

structural fire rating, architectural trim, permanent canopies, roof

structures, and plastic signs.
The conditions that required the establishment of a fire district on the Macon

Road site no longer exist. The Macon Road property is a single 9.0 acre

tracks of land that is surrounded by other large tracts and/or streets (public

and private). The proposed improvements to the property will include three

structures located on the 9.0 acre site. These structures will not have a

negative impact on each other or on any of the surrounding properties.

Therefore this parcel of property will be required to meet the same development

standards as any other development in Columbus. As a result of the removal of

Columbus Square Mall this property should be removed from the fire district

requirements set forth in City Code 11-7.1.(b).

Financial Considerations
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Approved as to form by City Attorney. Ordinance changes are required to be

approved by Council
Recommendations/ Actions
The Department of Inspections & Code Enforcement recommends removal of City

Code section 11-7.1. (b).