
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Wildwood Avenue - Extension of Parking Restrictions
Department of Engineering
Approve the attached ordinance enacting a No Parking Zone from 8 AM to 5 PM on \n \n School Days only along the west curb of Wildwood Avenue, beginning at a point \n \n 46 feet north of the north curb of Young Street and running south a distance of \n \n 206 feet to the north curb of Sonora Street.
Columbus Council approved Ordinance 12-38 in August 2012 to resolve issues of

Columbus High students and others parking along Wildwood Avenue near Wildwood

Condominium. The No Parking Zone restricting parking from 8 AM to 5 PM on

School Days eliminated the issues of driveways being blocked and with driveway

sight distance.

There are three residents between the parking restriction of Ordinance 12-38

and Sonora Drive that continue to have the same problems requesting an

extension of said parking restrictions in front of their residents.
Traffic Engineering mailed a Parking Survey to the three residents of 1912,

1915 and 1921 Wildwood Avenue requesting their input for the proposed parking

restriction. We received responses from all three residents concurring with

the request. Therefore, Traffic Engineering recommends that the same parking

restriction be extended to the north curb of Sonora Street.
Financial Considerations
The installation of the No Parking Zone will cost the City approximately

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The only future cost to the City is in the event a No Parking sign has to be

replaced. Such expenditures will be derived from the Traffic Engineering

Division?s annual operating budget.
Legal Considerations
A No Parking Zone requires an ordinance adopted by Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a No Parking Zone for Wildwood Avenue as described above.

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