
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Forston Road - Truck Route System revision
Approve the attached ordinance amending the City?s existing Truck Route System \n \n for Truck weight and length restrictions that includes: \n \n 1. Trucks may travel on Arterials or Collectors with the same weight/length \n \n restrictions. \n \n 2. Amend method of measuring Single Chassis and Tractor Trailer lengths. \n \n 3. Amend the weight/length restrictions of Fortson Road from Double Churches \n \n Road to Williams Road from 40 Tons/56 Feet to 18 Tons/30 Feet.
Residents and Businesses asked that the Truck Route restrictions for Fortson

Road from Double Churches Road to Williams Road be revised from the existing

truck restrictions of 40 Tons/56 Feet to 18 Tons/36 Feet. The primary

complaint was that allowing heavy trucks particularly dump trucks to travel

down Fortson Road to Double Churches Road caused unnecessary congestion and

diminished safety.
The Traffic Engineering Division performed Vehicle Classification counts

finding that Fortson Road south of Williams Road had about 34% truck traffic.

A Public Information Meeting was held on July 12th at 5 PM at the Northside

Recreation Center with an information package provided to each attendee. The

meeting had eight attendees.

As an example, the proposed revisions will change a quarry dump truck route

from Fortson Road south to Double Churches to Veterans Parkway a distanced of

1.04 miles to a new route from Fortson Road to Williams Road east to Veterans

Parkway south to Double Churches Road a distance of 1.78 miles. This will

increase the truck driver?s route by 0.74 miles.

Most of the attendees understood the complaint and were supportive in their

comments. We received three written responses to the Public Information


Resident of Country Place, Fortson, Georgia Supports new restrictions

Resident of Raccoon Run, Fortson, Georgia Supports new restrictions

Truck Operator/Owner, Smith Road, Georgia Does not support

Financial Considerations
The installation of the Truck Route signs will cost the City approximately

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The only annual fiscal impact will be to replace any damage traffic signs.
Legal Considerations
A revision to the Truck Route System requires an ordinance adopted by Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the revision to the City?s Truck Route System.

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