
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Application
Amy Carbajal, Community Reinvestment
Authorize staff to apply for and, if awarded, accept the 2013 Choice \n \n Neighborhoods Planning Grant and authorize the City Manager to enter into an \n \n agreement with the Housing Authority to be a Co-applicant and partner in the \n \n implementation of the grant.
Choice Neighborhoods is a highly competitive grant that awards up to $500,000

to eligible applicants to produce a "Transformation Plan" for a blighted

neighborhood. The plan must address a distressed public housing community,

blighted neighborhood and distressed public school. The City Village

neighborhood has been selected as a candidate for the grant (see attached map

for the City Village boundaries). Chase Homes will be the targeted public

housing development and Fox Elementary and Jordan High School will be the

targeted distressed schools. Community Reinvestment will be the lead for the

planning process while the Housing Authority, as the Co-applicant, will focus

their attenion on the public housing portion of the grant.

The grant is scheduled to be awarded in the Fall of 2013 and grantees will be

given 24 months to complete the Transformation Plan. Staff is requesting

Developing a holistic redevelopment plan of the City Village neighborhood and

Chase Homes is in the best interest of the City and the residents of the

Financial Considerations
No financial implications for the general fund.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
No financial implications for the general fund.
Legal Considerations
Council must approve the pursuit of any grant.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize staff to apply for and, if awarded, accept the 2013 Choice

Neighborhoods Planning Grant and authorize the City Manager to enter into an

agreement with the Housing Authority to be a Co-applicant and partner in the

implementation of the grant.