
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Harley Court - Proposed No Parking Anytime zone
Approve the attached ordinance enacting a No Parking Anytime Zone along the \n \n North curb of Harley Court beginning at the West curb of Fortson Road and \n \n running West to the dead end cul-de-sac to include the interior curb of said \n \n cul-de-sac.
The businesses along Harley Court are experiencing problems with vehicles

parking along the north and south curbs blocking two-way traffic. This parking

makes it difficult for larger trucks especially tractor trailers to turn into

and out of the driveways when making pick-ups and deliveries.
This office mailed a Parking Survey to the seven affected businesses along the

north curb and cul-de-sac. Four businesses responded recommending that parking

be restricted along the north curb of Harley Court.
Financial Considerations
The installation of the No Parking Anytime signs will cost the City

approximately $350.00.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The only future impact to the City is to replace any damaged No Parking signs.
Legal Considerations
A No Parking Anytime Zone requires an ordinance adopted by Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a No Parking Anytime Zone ordinance for the north curb of Harley Court.

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