
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Revised parking restrictions on Flournoy Drive and Cherokee Avenue \n \n
Department of Engineering
Approve the attached ordinance that restricts parking to "Two (2) hours from \n \n 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM" along the east curb of Flournoy Drive beginning at the \n \n south curb of 17th Street and running southwesterly to the east curb of \n \n Cherokee Avenue, establish a ?No Parking Anytime? zone along the west curb of \n \n Flournoy Drive beginning at the south curb of 17th Street and running \n \n southwesterly a distance 626 feet south, establish a ?No Parking Anytime? zone \n \n along the west curb of Flournoy Drive beginning the east curb of Cherokee \n \n Avenue and running northeasterly a distance of 165 feet and establishing a "No \n \n Parking Anytime" zone along the east curb of Cherokee Av and running north a \n \n distance of 150 feet.
The residents that live along Flournoy Drive requested that parking

restrictions be implemented and revised on Flournoy Drive because cars parked

along the street restricts access to their property, blocks emergency vehicles

and limits two-way traffic.
The Traffic Engineering Division received a written petition request from all

the residents along this segment of Flournoy Drive to modify the parking along

this section of the street. Mr. Bill Huff contacted our office requesting that

the No Parking Anytime zone not be established in front of his house and that a

No Parking Anytime zone be established along Cherokee Avenue next to his


Financial Considerations
The cost to install the parking signs will come out of Traffic Engineering

Division's operating budget.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There are not any annual fiscal impacts anticipated.
Legal Considerations
All traffic ordinances require Council approval.

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the proposed parking restrictions along Flournoy Drive and Cherokee


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