
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
14th Street Pedestrian Bridge Supplemental Agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation
Rick Jones, Planning Department
Approval is requested to enter into a supplemental agreement with the Georgia \n \n Department of Transportation (GDOT) and amend the contract for the 14th Street \n \n Pedestrian Bridge (P.I. 0009401), with Scott Bridge, Inc.
Under Resolution 35-11 and Resolution 128-09, the city entered into agreements

with GDOT to redevelop the 14th Street Bridge into a full pedestrian bridge.

The initial cost of $5,250,445.00 for construction was funded utilizing

American Recovery and Redevelopment Act Funds and L230 funds. In addition to

this work, a new approach to the bridge had to be constructed, along with a new

plaza area to accommodate safe accessibility to the bridge. Under the original

concept, the bridge could not be opened until the approach and plaza were


In an effort to speed up this process, the city requested GDOT to separate the

approach section from the plaza project, and allow for it to be placed under

the existing contract for the bridge. GDOT has agreed to this request. Funds

of $1,900,000 were established under Resolution 411-10 for both the approach

and plaza elements. This proposal calls for funds be set aside for the

approach be reallocated to the bridge contract so that the existing contractor

can be used.
The additional construction work and cost is required to reconstruct the

approach to this structure so that the bridge may opened in a timely fashion.
Financial Considerations
GDOT has agreed to fund an additional $777,112.00 for this project. A local

match of $194,278.00 or 20 percent will be required, bringing the total

contract price to $971,390.00. Funds are available under the city's Paving

Fund CIP
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Upon completion of this work, only general maintenance should be required over

the next five to ten year period. Most maintenance items should be limited to

general cleaning, painting, replacement of pavers in the bridge, and trash

removal. The annual projected cost for this maintenance is $10,000.00.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the supplemental contract.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested for the City Manager to enter into a supplemental

agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation and to amend the

contract for the 14th street pedestrian bridge (P.I. 0009401), with Scott

Bridge Inc.