
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Approval is requested to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to provide the Housing Authority of Columbus the option to acquire properties purchased by the City in the Liberty District through the 1999 SPLOST program and in accordance with the Liberty District Master Redevelopment Plan and to provide $500,000 per year for six years in supplemental funding for the project..
Amy Carbajal, Community Reinvestment Department
Approve the Resolution allowing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of \n \n Agreement with the Housing Authority for the Redevelopment of the Booker T. \n \n Washington Public Housing site.
The City adopted the Liberty District Master Redevelopment Plan in an effort to

revitalize the African American Entertainment District and offer improved

housing and commercial options for residents. A critical element to this

revitalization is the redevelopment of the Booker T. Washington public housing

site. The Housing Authority is pursuing a Low Income Housing Tax Credit

application to fund the redevelopment of this public housing site. A

requirement of the application is site control of the on-site and off-site

housing locations. The City has been and continues to purchase land in the

Liberty District with 1999 SPLOST funds and in accordance with the Liberty

District Master Redevelopment Plan as adopted by Council.

According to the application, an acceptable form of site control is a

Resolution and/or Agreement which indicates that the Housing Authority of

Columbus will be given the option to acquire these properties if awarded the

Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application. Without this site control, it is

not likely that the Housing Authority will have success in their application

for Tax Credits. By offering the Option to Acquire, the City can protect the

SPLOST investment in the event the application is not successful.

In addition to site control, the Housing Authority is also requesting that the

City participate in filling a $3,000,000 funding gap. The gap funding will be

paid in six annual installments of $500,000. In return, the City will share in

any net proceeds from the sale and/or development of the retail/commercial

portion of the Development on the basis of the prorata share of funds that each

entity has contributed toward the Development.

A draft copy of the proposed agreement is attached for your review.
The redevelopment of this public housing site is in the best interest of the

City, the residents of the Booker T. Washington development and the Liberty

Financial Considerations
The 1999 SPLOST funds will be used to acquire the properties. The annual

installments will be a General Fund commitment. The intent is to mirror the

payments made to assist in the redevelopment of Arbor Pointe.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
All properties acquired will utilize 1999 SPLOST funds. The monthly

installments will impact the General Fund budget $500,000 each year for 5

consecutive years.
Legal Considerations
All properties have been purchased within the legal parameters of the SPLOST

and Liberty District Master Redevelopment Plan. All commitments are contingent

upon the Housing Authority's successful tax credit application. If the

application is not successful, there are no legal obligations to commit

property or funding.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the Resolution allowing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of

Agreement with the Housing Authority for the Redevelopment of the Booker T.

Washington Public Housing site.


NO. _____





WHEREAS, the Authority (together with its development partner) is engaged in

the revitalization of the Booker T. Washington public housing community (?BTW?)

into a new mixed-income, mixed-use community; and,

WHEREAS, the City is committed to the general revitalization of BTW and the

portion of Columbus, Georgia known as the ?Liberty District? (the ?Liberty

District?); and,

WHEREAS, the revitalization of BTW will include the demolition of its current

392 severely distressed housing units, its management office and existing site

improvements; the redevelopment of BTW into a new master planned, mixed-income,

mixed-use community, currently contemplated to include a total of 200

multi-family rental units located on two separate sites, future

commercial/retail space, and related on-site infrastructure improvements (the

?Development?); and,

WHEREAS, the Development is of enormous importance to the economic health of

the City and the areas of the City known as BTW and the Liberty District; and,

WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Development shall be accomplished in

two phases with the first phase of the Development being the demolition of the

current BTW and the development of approximately 100 multi-family rental units

located in the Liberty District (?Phase 1?) and the second phase being the

development of approximately 100 new multi-family rental units and potential

commercial and retail developments on the site of the existing BTW property

(?Phase 2?); and,

WHEREAS, the City currently has legal title to or has under option to purchase

several lots in the three block area surrounding the Liberty Theater, as more

fully described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the ?City Property?), which is

the proposed site of Phase 1 development; and

WHEREAS, as part of its contribution to the Development, the City has agreed to

transfer ownership of the City Property to the Authority at no cost to the

Authority (the ?Property Transfer?) and is also requested to make a financial

contribution to the Development; and,

WHEREAS, the Authority intends to submit a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

Application in 2013, which is a highly competitive process requiring

documentation of site control and support from the City; and,

WHEREAS, City and the Authority acknowledge and agree that the City must have a

binding obligation to transfer the City Property to the Authority prior to the

Authority?s submission of its Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) application

to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), but in no event later

than May 31, 2013, provided however, the actual transfer of the City Property

to the Authority will not occur until the DCA awards the Authority the LIHTC?s

necessary to fund a portion of the Development; and,

WHEREAS, the Housing Authority commits to a prorated share of the commercial

development with the City in order to recoup the tax payer's investment in the

development; and,

WHEREAS, in order to comply with the requirements set forth in the foregoing

for the Authority?s LIHTC application, the City and the Authority have agreed

to enter into and execute a binding Option to Purchase the City Property

substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit ?B?; and,

WHEREAS, the City will also participate in the redevelopment of project by

providing $3,000,000 in six annual installments of $500,000; and,

WHEREAS, the Housing Authority will provide a prorata share of the commercial

development with the City in order to repay the taxpayers investment to include

the value of donated property.


That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a Memorandum of

Agreement, which provides the Housing Authority of Columbus the Option to

Acquire City-owned Liberty District properties in the event the Low Income

Housing Tax Credit application is successful for the purpose of redevelopment

of the Booker T. Washington public housing site.

Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

the _________day of _____________, 2012 and adopted at said meeting by the

affirmative vote of _____________members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting __________.

Councilor Baker voting __________.

Councilor Barnes voting __________.

Councilor Davis voting __________.

Councilor Henderson voting __________.

Councilor Huff voting __________.

Councilor McDaniel voting __________.

Councilor Turner Pugh voting __________.

Councilor Thomas voting __________.

Councilor Woodson voting __________.



Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council , Mayor