
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Passenger Rail Feasibility Study Contract
Planning Department
Approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor's Office to enter into a contractual \n \n agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation to accept State L230 \n \n Transportation funds to develop a feasibility study for the rapid rail \n \n transportation between Columbus and Atlanta.
The Mayor's Office has established a 32 member Commission on Passenger Rail,

for the purposes of determining the need for passenger/rapid rail

transportation between Columbus and Atlanta. Through its efforts the

commission has reviewed the Georgia Rail Plan and the Federal Rail Plan to

establish a baseline for discussions. In addition, presentations via the

internet have been given by Mayor Anthony Foxx and former Mayor Pat McCrory of

Charlotte, North Carolina, which is undergoing an extensive passenger rail

program of its own. It is because of this work that the commission now

believes it is time to develop its own passenger rail feasibility study.
The study, aided by the expertise of the Georgia Department of Transportation,

would help determine the potential for rail travel between Columbus and

Atlanta, and possibly other communities as well. A study of this type would

not only identify possible routes, but would also examine potential ridership

and costs for such a project.
Financial Considerations
Cost for the study will be funded through the use of State L230 transportation

funds ($290,000), which requires a 20 percent match ($70,000). The match has

been secured through the generous donations from the Columbus Airport

Commission, the Development Authority of Columbus, Georgia, Total System, Inc.

and the W. C. Bradley Company. To date, $70,000 has been raised to meet the

required match and other feasibility study related expenses. No local funds

will be required for this study.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There is no annual fiscal impact for this study.

Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has approved this action.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor's Office to enter into a contractual

agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation to accept State L230

Transportation funds to develop a feasibility study for the rapid rail

transportation between Columbus and Atlanta.