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Category Date Subject
2/9/2016 Utilities Relocation - Follow Me Trail Bridge Details
1/26/2016 Columbus Umpires Association Details
1/26/2016 Follow Me Trail Utility Relocation Details
1/26/2016 FY 2016 Georgia DOT - Supplemental Planning Contract Details
1/26/2016 Collecting Donations for Empty Bowl event Details
1/26/2016 Go! Transit Capital Program Grant Details
1/12/2016 C&D Landfill Expansion Siting Details
12/15/2015 Juvenile Court Electronic Fee Payments Details
11/17/2015 REBC Grant Details
11/10/2015 FY 16 Local Government & Imrovement Grant(LMIG) for Forrest Road Widening Project Details
11/10/2015 2015-16 VOCA Continuation Grant Details
11/10/2015 2015-16 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Special Award through Prosecuting Attorney?s Council (PAC) Details
10/27/2015 Riverwalk Easements from Georgia Power Details
10/13/2015 Street Acceptance - Campari Street, Punkin Street, that portion of Frank Houser Avenue, that portion of Dream Boat Drive and that portion of Massee Lane located in Section Two, Old Town - Resolution Details
10/13/2015 2015 Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission Grant Details
10/13/2015 METRA TIA BUDGET Details
10/13/2015 Street Acceptance - that portion of Sable Oaks Drive located in Secton Twelve, Sable Oaks of Midland Details
10/13/2015 Street Acceptance - That portion of Tall Pine Court located in Section Eleven, Garrett Pines - Resolution Details
9/22/2015 Site License Agreement Details
9/8/2015 Curves Donation of Exercise Equipment Details
8/25/2015 South Lumpkin Trail Details
8/25/2015 Learn to Swim Program donations and/or sponsorships Details
7/28/2015 RSVP Grant Augmentation Funds Details
7/14/2015 Risk Management Legal Services Details
6/23/2015 FY 2016 Georgia DOT - Transportation Planning Contract Details
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