Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Staff Report
REZN 03-15-0490 976 Lake Rushin Drive NC With Amended Conditions

David Kelly
Kimbrough Properties, LP
976 Lake Rushin Drive.
0.3000 Acre
Current Zoning Classification
NC (Neighborhood Commercial W/Conditions)
Proposed Zoning Classification
NC (Neighborhood Commercial W/Amended Conditions)
Council District
District 4 (Pugh)
Approval based on the staff report and compatibility with existing land uses.
Approval based on compatibility with existing land uses.
Fort Benning's Recommendation
DRI Recommendation
General Land use
Environmental Impacts
The property does not lie within the floodway and floodplain area. The

developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a Site

Development permit, if a permit is required. A 25 foot undisturbed natural

buffer will be required for both sides of the waterway. The buffer is measured

at the wrested vegetation line at each bank of the stream.

City Services
Properties are served by all city services.
Traffic Impact
This rezoning request does not anticipate generating a negative impact on the

transportation network.
Surrounding Zoning
North ? GC (General Commercial)

South ? GC (General Commercial)

East ? SFR2 (Singal Family Residential 2)

West ? GC (General Commercial)
Reasonableness of Request
The request is compatible with existing land-uses.
School Impact
Buffer Requirements
The site shall include a Category C buffer along all property lines bordered by

the SFR2 zoning districts. The 3 options under Category C are:

1) 20 feet with a certain amount of canopy trees, under story trees, and shrubs

/ ornamental grasses per 100 linear feet.

2) 10 feet with a certain amount of shrubs / ornamental grasses per 100 linear

feet and a wood fence or masonry wall.

3) 30 feet undisturbed natural buffer.
Attitude of Property Owners
Twenty One (21) property owners within 300 feet of the subject properties were

notified of the rezoning request. The Planning Department received zero

comments regarding this rezoning request.
Additional Information
Conditions that were attached to the previous rezoning are as follows.

1. No Access shall be allowed onto Lake Rushin Drive.

2. If the property is not used as a parking lot, then this property shall

revert back to an R-1A zoning district ?R-1A was converted to SFR2 when the UDO

was adopted?.

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