Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Staff Report
REZN 5-10-4247

Woodruff Company
Calvin Koonce
Northwest corner of Veterans Parkway & Williams Road/ East side of Veterans

Parkway, North of Moon Road
280.4 total acres
Current Zoning Classification
SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1) / GC (General Commercial)/ PUD (Planned Unit

Proposed Zoning Classification
PMUD (Planned Mixed Use Development)
Council District
District 2 (Davis)
Approval based upon the fact that it is consistent with the future land use map

of the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with existing land-uses.
Conditional Approval based upon the fact that it is consistent with the future

land use map of the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with existing land-uses.

The recommended conditions are:

Phase 1, as shown on the attached Koonce Place site plan shall be limited to

eighty (80) percent of development up to 5 years from the date of this

ordinance (October ___, 2015). Specifically, the eighty (80) percent shall

apply to commercial and residential development. Therefore, per the

aforementioned site plan, commercial development shall be limited to 341,000

square feet and residential development (to include multi-family housing),

shall be limited to 394 units.

Simultaneously, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is proposing

the widening of Veterans Parkway to four lanes with a median. Should the

widening of said road project be bid out and awarded for construction by the

aforementioned deadline date of October ___, 2015, then the developer/property

owner shall be permitted to move forward with the final twenty (20) percent of

commercial and residential development for Phase 1 as well as future Phases 2

and 3.

If the Georgia Department of Transportation has not bid out and awarded for

construction said road project prior to the aforementioned date of October ___,

2015, then the developer/property owner of the subject property shall be

required to meet with the Columbus Consolidated Government's Planning

Department to review the potential impact the remaining development project may

have on the adjoining roadways and surrounding property owners. Both the

Planning Department and the developer shall be required to come to a consensus

during this meeting on the action or steps that need to occur before the

project may resume. Should either the Planning Department or the developer

fail to agree on this action or steps, the matter shall be required to go back

to the Council for further action, which may require the project to be subject

to the zoning procedures section of Unified Development Ordinance. No

additional site development or building permits shall be allowed until this

condition has been met.

The developer shall be responsible for any and all transportation improvements

that are located on or directly connect the property to Veterans Parkway and

Williams Road.
Fort Benning's Recommendation
DRI Recommendation
The River Valley Regional Commission has reviewed the project and has found

that the proposed action is in the best interest of the region and therefore of

the state.
General Land use
Planning Area A

Land Use Designation:

Mixed Office / High Density Residential
Environmental Impacts
The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a Site

Development permit, if a permit is required.
City Services
Property is served by all city services.
Traffic Impact
This site shall meet the codes and regulations of the Columbus Consolidated

Government for commercial and residential usage. The Traffic Engineering

Department shall require the project to adhere to the recommendations of the

Traffic Impact Study concerning egress and ingress to the subject property.
Surrounding Zoning
North ? HMI (Heavy Manufacturing Industrial)/ RE1 (Residential Estate 1)

South ? LMI (Light Manufacturing Industrial) GC (General Commercial)

East ? SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1)/ RE1 (Residential Estate 1)

West ? SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1
Reasonableness of Request
The proposed zoning classification is compatible with existing land uses.
School Impact
Elementary age students would attend North Columbus Elementary (PK-5), which

has 676 students (capacity: 675). Middle School age students would attend

Veterans Memorial Middle School (6-8), which has 706 students (capacity: 650).

High school age students would attend Northside High School, which has 1,582

students (capacity: 1,573).
Buffer Requirements
The proposed development shall meet the

buffer requirements for Master Planned

Developments as defined in the UDO.
Attitude of Property Owners
Thirty-three (33) property owners within 300 feet were notified of the rezoning

request. The Planning Department received two inquiries about the rezoning

Additional Information
In February of 2006 the City Council conditionally approved a PUD for the

subject property. The property encompassed approximately 257.50 acres. The

project consisted of 300,000 square-foot of commercial use, 279 multi-family

units and 222 single-family units.

In August of 2007 the City Council conditionally approved 3.95 acres of

property in addition to the original PUD project for this property. This

property is located at 8101 and 8103 Veterans Parkway.

The current rezoning request is for a 3-phased PMUD to include a neighborhood

commercial center, restaurants hotels, offices, 432 multi family units, 100

town homes and 615 single-family residential units. There are approximately 17

acres that will be an addition to the project, which will serve as a general

commercial site located across from the original planned unit development.

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