Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Staff Report

JMC Flatrock Partners, LLC
JMC Flatrock Partners, LLC
6801 Flat Rock Road
88.82 Acres
Current Zoning Classification
LMI (Light Manufacturing / Industrial) &

SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1)
Proposed Zoning Classification
PMUD (Planned Mixed Use Development)
Council District
District 6 (Allen)
Approval based on the Staff Report and compatibility with existing land uses.
Approval based on compatibility with existing land uses. Conditions are

necessary for this rezoning:

1) Phase 1 Conditions:

A. Property development shall not exceed 400,000 square feet;

B. All interior roads shall be completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of

Occupancy (see attached Proposed Roadway Improvements map P1.B);

C. Talokas Lane, between the proposed development and Gateway Road; shall be

completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (see attached

Proposed Roadway Improvements map P1.C);

D. All proposed improvements at the intersection of Flat Rock Road and JR Allen

Parkway shall be completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (see

attached Proposed Roadway Improvements map P1.D);

E. All proposed driveways shall be approved by Georgia Department of

Transportation (GDOT) completed by developer (see attached Proposed Roadway

Improvements map P1.E);

F. Driveway No. 1 may be required to meet site distance regulations that are at

or above the posted speed limit and shall be approved by Georgia Department of

Transportation (GDOT) completed by developer.

G. All decel lanes shall be approved by GDOT and completed by developer prior

to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (see attached Proposed Roadway

Improvements map P1.F); and,

H. Restripe Talokas Lane at Gateway Road (see attached Proposed Roadway

Improvements aerial map) and shall be completed prior to issuance of a

Certificate of Occupancy.

2) Phase 2 Conditions:

A. Property development shall not exceed 300,000 square feet;

B. The Manchester Expressway west-bound off-ramp (at JR Allen Parkway) accel

lane shall be converted to a full lane that ends at the driveway of the

immediate development to the west (6707 Flat Rock Court) as approved by GDOT

and to be completed by the developer (see attached Proposed Roadway

Improvements map P2.B); and,

C. A 3rd lane to the Manchester Expressway Bridge (from Driveway No. 1) shall

be approved by GDOT and funded by the developer on a value-based estimate (see

attached Proposed Roadway Improvements map P2.C).

D. All right in and right out decel and accel lanes shall be separate from the

proposed 3rd lane and approved by GDOT to be completed by the developer

E. All improvements made to JR Allen Parkway and conditioned by Columbus

Consolidated Government (CCG) shall ultimately be approved by Georgia

Department of Transportation (GDOT) and may vary at the discretion of GDOT.

F. The developer will not be responsible for improvements past the bridge

connection (Manchester Expressway Overpass) on JR Allen (see attached GDOT Map

? P2.F).

3) The overall development shall not exceed 1.1 million total square feet.

4) The proposed buffer, as delineated on the attached bubble plan, shall be

adopted as the designated buffer.
Fort Benning's Recommendation
DRI Recommendation
This project will not have a negative impact on surrounding jurisdictions.
General Land use

Planning Area B
Environmental Impacts
The property does not lie within the floodway and floodplain area. The

developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a Site

Development permit, if a permit is required.
City Services
Property is served by all city services.
Traffic Impact
Traffic along this section of JR Allen Parkway currently has a below average

Level Of Service (LOS) during peak times. JR Allen Parkway intersections at

Flat Rock Road, Gateway Road, and Kitten Lake Drive are LOS D or worse during

peak hours (AM and PM). Midday LOS averages a B or C level at all

intersections except Kitten Lake Drive. Due to existing traffic issues, a

traffic study was conducted by the applicant and reviewed by traffic

consultants (hired by CCG) and city staff. Numerous meetings have been held

between staff, CCG consultants, and the applicant?s traffic engineers. Traffic

impacts have been mitigated as thoroughly as possible with some improvement at

JR Allen and Flat Rock Road as well as JR Allen and Gateway Road
Surrounding Zoning
North - SFR3 (Single Family Residential 3)

South - GC (General Commercial)

East - GC (General Commercial) /

LMI (Light Manufacturing / Industrial)

West - SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1) [Flat Rock Park]
Reasonableness of Request
The request is compatible with existing land uses.
School Impact
Buffer Requirements
Buffer requirement is established per the bubble plan.
Attitude of Property Owners
Six Hundred (600) property owners within a half mile of the subject properties

were notified of the rezoning request. The Planning Department received no

comments supporting or opposing this request. Notification distance is

normally 300 feet.
Additional Information
The developers held a public meeting on June 07, 2018. 106 people attended

this event from the surrounding area. Citizens were most concerned with

additional traffic the new development would generate.

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