Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Staff Report
Subject: (VAR0605-01) -REVISED - Hardship variance to waive street frontage requirements and allow the construction of a residential subdivision at 8851 ?4 Moore Road (Greenleaves Estates). \n \n \n \n \n \n PLANNING RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS \n \n \n \n \n \n

Sarah Hubbuch
8851-4 Moore Road
20.0 Acres
Current Zoning Classification
RE1 ? Residential Estate 1
Proposed Zoning Classification
Council District
APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS based upon the fact that the subdivision will comply

with minimum street requirements and provide unobstructed egress and ingress

for large public safety vehicles.
Fort Benning's Recommendation
DRI Recommendation
General Land use
Residential Estate
Environmental Impacts
Septic Tanks will be installed on individual parcels. The proposed subdivision

must comply with minimum storm water drainage requirements for a residential

subdivision. All storm water drainage easements must be installed and

maintained by the property owner. The city will not be held liable for any

storm water drainage problems.
City Services
Public water will be installed to service the proposed development.
Traffic Impact
In an effort to reduce the minimal impact of traffic concerns, the following

conditions are recommended by Fire and Emergency Prevention, Engineering and

Planning: 1) improve the cul-de-sac at the end of the existing access easement

to a minimum radius of 50 feet, with a pavement radius of 40 feet; 2) restore

the large area of excess soil erosion and run off on the existing access

easement by accommodating proper drainage; 3) Clear the shoulders of the

existing 60-foot wide access easement by five (5) feet on each side from the

edge of the pavement to ensure necessary access for large public service

vehicles. The pavement radius of the cul-de-sac shall be 40 feet; 4) restrict

future subdivision development by adjacent property owners and limit the use of

the access easement to Greenleaves Estates subdivision and existing lots of

record. Additional subdivision developments shall not utilize the access

easement and variance to accommodate future lots; and 5) The existing 60-foot

access easement running from Moore Road and the proposed cul-de-sac must be

named and maintained as a private street.
Surrounding Zoning
RE1 ? Residential Estates 1

RE1 ? Residential Estates 1

RE1 - Residential Estates 1

RE1 ? Residential Estates 1
Reasonableness of Request
The request is reasonable based upon its ability to comply with conditions to

improve the existing cul-de-sac, provide proper drainage, and ensure unimpeded

access for large public safety vehicles.
School Impact
Buffer Requirements
Attitude of Property Owners
Nine (9) property owners were notified by letter of the hardship variance

Additional Information
Other Recommendations: Engineering & Fire and Emergency Prevention: Approval

with conditions to improve the existing cul-de-sac, clear cut the shoulders of

the 60-foot access easement, provide proper drainage for the existing access

easement and limit use of the access easement to Greenleaves Estates

Subdivision and existing lots of records.

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