Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Staff Report
REZN 6-11-2428

Grey Rock Development
9220, 9226, 9232, 9238, 9244, 9248, 9254, and 9258 Granite Field Court
2.6 acres
Current Zoning Classification
SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2) w/ conditions
Proposed Zoning Classification
SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2) w/ an amended condition (#2.d of Ordinance

Council District
District 2 (Davis)
Approval to amend Condition #2.d of Ordinance 05-29 to reduce the buffer

requirement for 9220, 9226, & 9258 Granite Field Court from 50 feet to 40 feet

and to reduce the buffer requirement for 9232-9254 Granite Field Court from 50

feet to 30 feet.
Approval to amend Condition #2.d of Ordinance 05-29 to reduce the buffer

requirement for 9220, 9226, & 9258 Granite Field Court from 50 feet to 40 feet

and to reduce the buffer requirement for 9232-9254 Granite Field Court from 50

feet to 30 feet.
Fort Benning's Recommendation
DRI Recommendation
General Land use

Planning Area A

Land Use Designation:

Single Family Residential
Environmental Impacts
The property does not lie within a floodway and floodplain area. The developer

will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a Site Development

Plan permit, if a permit is required.
City Services
Property is served by all city services.
Traffic Impact
The proposed project will not have a negative impact on the transportation

Surrounding Zoning
North ? GC (General Commercial)

South ? RMF1 (Residential Multi-Family 1)

East ? RMF1 (Residential Multi-Family 1)

West ? GC (General Commercial)
Reasonableness of Request
The request is compatible with existing land uses.
School Impact
No school impact.
Buffer Requirements
The buffer requirement is listed under Condition #2.d and reads as follows:

West line of Veterans Parkway: A 50 feet wide strip of land entirely within the

Grey Rock property and along the common boundary of the Grey Rock Property and

the west right-of-way line of Veterans Parkway, planted with evergreens (such

as Burford and Carissa Holly) and other trees and plant materials as included

on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Clear cutting of this

Buffer shall be prohibited at any time after the initial landscaping is planted

and installed, it being the intent and agreement of the parties hereto that the

only trees or other plant materials that may be cut down or removed after such

initial landscaping are dead or diseased trees and other plant materials.
Attitude of Property Owners
Ten (10) property owners within 300 feet were notified of the rezoning

request. The Planning Department received two inquiries regarding the request.
Additional Information
The applicant has requested to reduce the buffer to allow for larger back yards

on the affected lots.

Condition #2.d, as well as all of the other conditions placed on the property,

were self-imposed by the development company. They were not conditions imposed

by Council. This condition requires a planted buffer, not an undisturbed


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