Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Staff Report
REZN 3-10-3779

Woodruff Company
National Infantry Foundation
2866 South Lumpkin Road
60.79 total acres
Current Zoning Classification
SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2)
Proposed Zoning Classification
PMUD (Planned Mixed Use Development)
Council District
District 7 (Woodson)
Approval based upon the fact that it is compatible with existing land-uses.
Conditional Approval based on the fact that it is compatible with existing

land-uses. The property is not reflected as part of the city of Columbus in the

2028 Comprehensive Plan because it was a federal property at the time. The

recommended conditions are:

Smoke and noise disclosure statements shall be included in any real estate

documents concerning the subject property.

Future construction on the subject property shall be National Pollutant

Discharge and Elimination System compliant.

The following traffic improvement shall be made along South Lumpkin Road (see

attached site plan for driveway identification numbers);

a. S. Lumpkin Road @ Driveway 3

i. Addition of a NB right turn lane

ii. Addition of a SB left turn lane

iii. Addition of a WB right turn lane

b. S. Lumpkin Road @ Driveway 4

i. Addition of a NB right turn lane

ii. Addition of a SB left turn lane

iii. Addition of a WB right turn lane

c. S. Lumpkin Road @ Driveway 5

i. Addition of a NB right turn lane

ii. Addition of a SB left turn lane

iii. Addition of a westbound right turn lane

4. Traffic improvements along Fort Benning Boulevard shall be determined

through collaboration between Fort Benning and the developers.

5. All Major Amendments shall be adopted (see Attachments).

Fort Benning's Recommendation
Fort Benning concurs with the rezoning request. The recommendation is for smoke

and noise disclosure statements are included in all real estate documents and

any construction on the subject property shall be in compliance with the

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Fort Benning shall work with

the developers regarding access to Fort Benning Boulevard, as it is federal

property and a historic scenic by-way.
DRI Recommendation
The River Valley Regional Commission has reviewed the project and has found

that the proposed action is in the best interest of the region and therefore of

the state.
General Land use
This property was owned by the federal government in 2008, therefore it was not

included a property within the boundaries of the city of Columbus.
Environmental Impacts
The property does lie within a floodway and floodplain area. The developer

will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a Site Development

permit, if a permit is required.
City Services
Property is served by all city services.
Traffic Impact
This site shall meet the codes and regulations of the Columbus Consolidated

Government for commercial and residential usage. The Traffic Engineering

Department shall require the project to adhere to the recommendations of the

Traffic Impact Study concerning intersection traffic control and lane

Surrounding Zoning
North ? HMI (Heavy Manufacturing Industrial)

South ? GC (General Commercial)

East ? Fort Benning

West ? LMI (Light Manufacturing Industrial)
Reasonableness of Request
The proposed zoning classification is compatible with existing land uses. This

development is designed to complement the National Infantry Museum, the

proposed Armor Museum and Fort Benning.
School Impact
Elementary age students would attend South Columbus Elementary School (PK-5),

which has 456 students (capacity: 588). Middle School age students would

attend Eddy Middle School (6-8), which has 356 students (capacity: 613). High

school age students would attend Spencer High School, which has 796 students

(capacity: 950).
Buffer Requirements
The proposed development shall meet the

buffer requirements for Master Planned

Developments as defined in the UDO.
Attitude of Property Owners
Five (5) property owners within 300 feet were notified of the rezoning request.

The Planning Department has not received any comments regarding the request.
Additional Information
This development is intended and designed to complement the National Infantry

Museum, the proposed Armor Museum, and Fort Benning.

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