Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Staff Report

Jack Hayes
REC Ministries, Inc.
6003 Veterans Parkway
5 acres
Current Zoning Classification
GC (General Commercial)
Proposed Zoning Classification
RO (Residential-Office)
Council District
District 2 (Davis)
Approval based on the fact that it is compatible with existing land uses.
Approval based on the fact that it is compatible with existing land uses. The

request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of Columbus. There are

similar uses in terms of residential multi-family developments in the area such

as Main Street Apartments. The proposed use would serve as an amenity to

students attending Strayer University. Furthermore there are several uses in

the vicinity that would support this proposed use such as a neighboring

self-storage facility, convenient stores and restaurants.
Fort Benning's Recommendation
DRI Recommendation
General Land use

Planning Area A

Land Use Designation:

General Commercial/Light Manufacturing Industrial
Environmental Impacts
The property does not lie within a floodway and floodplain area. The developer

will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a Site Development

Plan permit, if a permit is required.
City Services
Property is served by all city services.
Traffic Impact
The proposed project will not have a negative impact on the transportation

network. The Traffic Engineering Department has indicated that ingress and

egress from Veterans Parkway along with a decel lane must be approved by the

Georgia Department of Transportation. Two access points to this development

from within the Strayer University Campus have been deemed sufficient for this

development by the Traffic Engineering Department. According to the traffic

analysis form the existing GC (General Commercial) zoning district with viable

commercial uses would generate more traffic in turn causing an adverse affect

on the level of service for Veterans Parkway. The proposed RO (Residential

Office) zoning district with a residential multi-family use would not have an

adverse affect on traffic flow for Veterans Parkway in turn maintaining a level

of service C.
Surrounding Zoning
North ? GC (General Commercial)

South ? GC (General Commercial)

East ? Veterans Parkway

West ? GC (General Commercial) / LMI (Light Manufacturing Industrial)
Reasonableness of Request
The request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan however it is

compatible with existing land uses. There are many existing land uses

(restaurants, self storage, higher education, medical services, etc.) in the

immediate vicinity that would serve the proposed multi-family development. The

Strayer University campus also may serve as a residential enticement for

possible students. Although the university has no ownership ties to the

apartments, the potential for a healthy relationship between the two entities

will be created. Furthermore, the proposed multi-family development will not

affect the level of service along Veterans Parkway and will be much less

intrusive than 5 acres of general commercial development. The designated

future land use for this area requires greater scrutiny and evaluation within

the Comprehensive Plan.
School Impact
Elementary age students would attend Allen Elementary School (PK-5), which has

435 students (capacity: 450). Middle School age students would attend Arnold

Middle School (6-8), which has 819 students (capacity: 650). High school age

students would attend Jordan High School, which has 740 students (capacity:

Buffer Requirements
The development is not required to place a buffer along the property lines

bordered by GC (General Commercial) zoning district.
Attitude of Property Owners
Thirty-two (32) Property owners within 300 feet of the subject properties were

notified of the rezoning request. The Planning Department has received one

comment in opposition to the request.
Additional Information
The applicant has requested to rezone the aforementioned property from GC

(General Commercial) to RO (Residential Office) zoning district. The subject

property is a 5-acre tract of land that will be subdivided from the parent

parcel, which currently accommodates the Strayer University Campus. According

to the site plan there three access points, one of which will require the

approval of the Georgia Department of Transportation for having a decal lane

and egress/egress to Veterans Parkway, one access point will be used for

emergency access. The applicant is proposing 72 units consisting of 24

one-bedroom units, 36 two-bedroom units and 12 three-bedroom units.

The proposed rezoning is accompanied by a letter requesting to amend the

Comprehensive Plan to permit a change in the land use designation of the

subject property from GC (General Commercial)/ LMI (Light Manufacturing

Industrial) zoning districts to RO (Residential Office) zoning district. The

applicant has indicated in the letter that an in-fill development would be a

more viable project for the subject property than taking a commercial retail

sales approach to development of the subject property.

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