Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Staff Report

Planning Department
Chuck McClure / Seda Land / Tim Gibbons / Mike Jackson / Johnny Jackson /

Harley McIntire
Layfield Road properties
Current Zoning Classification
RE1 (Residential Estate 1)
Proposed Zoning Classification
RE5 (Residential Estate 5) / RE10 (Residential Estate 10)
Council District
Approval based on the fact that it is consistent with the future land-use map

of the Comprehensive Plan and it is compatible with existing land-uses.
Approval based on the fact that it is consistent with the future land-use map

of the Comprehensive Plan, it is compatible with existing land-uses, and it

brings several of the properties into compliance with the UDO.
Fort Benning's Recommendation
DRI Recommendation
General Land use
Property is located in Planning District 4

Land Use Designations: Rural Residential
Environmental Impacts
The property does not lie within a floodway and floodplain area. The developer

will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a Site Development

permit, if a permit is required.
City Services
Property is served by all city services except sewer.
Traffic Impact
The proposed project is not expected to have a negative impact on the

transportation network.
Surrounding Zoning
North ? RE1 (Residential Estate 1)

South ? RE1 (Residential Estate 1)

East ? RE1 (Residential Estate 1)

West ? RE1 (Residential Estate 1)

* - Upatoi Glen subdivision on Layfield Road is zoned RE1 and RE5
Reasonableness of Request
The proposed zoning classification is consistent with the future land-use map

of the Comprehensive Plan.
School Impact
No school impact.
Buffer Requirements
No buffer requirement.
Attitude of Property Owners
Thirty-six (36) property owners within 300 feet were notified of the rezoning

request. The Planning Department did not receive any comments concerning the

Additional Information
Following the implementation of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO),

various properties in town were converted to non-conforming uses. The Planning

Department was aware that issues would arise from the transition but that they

would be dealt with on

a case by case basis. Since April 2004, the Planning Department has initiated

a few rezoning applications to bring certain properties into compliance as

conforming uses. Although this has been rare, it has not been unprecedented.

In January 2006, the extension of Upatoi Glen subdivision (on Layfield Road)

illustrated one of these issues relating to non-conformity. The development

was geared towards an equestrian lifestyle, but horses were not allowed in the

RE1 zoning classification. The UDO dictated that the RE5 or RE10 zoning

districts would accomplish the type of development desired at Upatoi Glen.

During the course of the zoning process, the

Planning Department had the opportunity to discuss similar issues with other

large-lot landowners along Layfield Road. They had concerns about their

properties being non-conforming and were also interested in using larger land

designations such as RE5 or RE10 to help protect their property from denser

development. From that dialogue, the Planning staff has moved forward with

these certain residents to bring their properties

into conforming status.

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