A Resolution

No. _____

A Resolution Authorizing THE CITY MANAGER OF COLUMBUS GEORGIA TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED TO JAMES E \n \n AND PEGGY A SALIE FOR THE TEN (10) FOOT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED \n \n ON THE REAR PORTION AND THE ENTIRE STORM SEWER EASEMENT RUNNING ALONG THE \n \n EASTERN PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 45, BLOCK "A", ALSO KNOWN AS 7891 BIG CREEK DRIVE, \n \n LOCATED IN SECTION TWO, BIG CREEK SUBDIVISION LYING IN LAND LOTS 60 & 61, 8TH \n \n DISTRICT. whereas, the ten (10) foot drainage and utility easement along the rear property of 45, \n \n Block "A" also known as 7891 Big Creek Drive, located in Section Two, Big Creek \n \n Subdivision was requested to be abandoned; and,
whereas, the entire storm sewer easement along the eastern property line of 45, Block \n \n "A" also known as 7891 Big Creek Drive, located in Section Two, Big Creek \n \n Subdivision was requested to be abandon in order to construct a storage \n \n building at the rear of their property; and,
WHEREAS, the aforementioned existing drainage and utility and the storm sewer \n \n easements are no longer in use and have been formally abandoned by all parties \n \n concerned; and, \n \n WHEREAS, Columbus, Georgia has no other use for the aforementioned existing \n \n drainage, utility and storm sewer easements. The remainders of all drainage and \n \n utility easements of record remain in effect and providing appropriate width as \n \n required by the applicable utility companies will be required for unknown \n \n utilities, repealing any conflicting ordinances, and for other purposes.

That, the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a quit claim \n \n deed to James E and Peggy A Salie for a ten (10) foot drainage and utility \n \n easement along the rear property and the entire storm sewer easement long the \n \n eastern property line of 45, Block "A" also known as 7891 Big Creek Drive, \n \n located in Section Two, Big Creek Subdivision. The remainders of all drainage, \n \n utility and storm sewer easements of record remain in effect and providing \n \n appropriate width as required by the applicable utility companies will be \n \n required for unknown utilities, repealing any conflicting ordinances, and for \n \n other purposes.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held the _________ day of _____________ and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of  _____________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting
Councilor Anthony voting
Councilor Baker voting
Councilor Barnes voting
Councilor Buck voting
Councilor Crabb voting
Councilor Davis voting
Councilor Garrett voting
Councilor Henderson voting
Councilor House voting
Councilor Huff voting
Councilor Hunter voting
Councilor McDaniel voting
Councilor Poydasheff voting
Councilor Rodgers voting
Councilor Smith voting
Councilor Suber voting
Councilor Thomas voting
Councilor Turner Pugh voting
Councilor Woodson voting
Tiny B. Washington, Clerk Of Council
Teresa Tomlinson, Mayor

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