A Resolution

No. _____

A Resolution Authorizing THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE MUSCOGEE \n \n COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT TO VETERANS PARKWAY, FROM MOON ROAD \n \n TO THE INTERSECTION OF COOPER CREEK ROAD AND THE NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL \n \n ENTRANCE. whereas, the City has been pursuing efforts to improve Veterans Parkway, from Moon Road \n \n to Cooper Creek Road, in anticipation of the new north side elementary school \n \n scheduled to be opened in August; and,
whereas, the City proposes to widen this section of the roadway to three lanes roadway, \n \n with improvements to the Moon Road/Williams Road intersection; and, \n \n WHEREAS, the City proposes to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with \n \n the school district and its building contractor, to construct the road \n \n improvements.

That the City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a Memorandum of \n \n Understanding with the Muscogee County School District for widening of Veterans \n \n Parkway from Moon Road to Cooper Creek Road intersection for a cost not to \n \n exceed $900,000, utilizing SPLOST and Paving funds.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held the _________ day of _____________ 2006 and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of  _____________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting
Councilor Anthony voting
Councilor Baker voting
Councilor Barnes voting
Councilor Buck voting
Councilor Crabb voting
Councilor Davis voting
Councilor Garrett voting
Councilor Henderson voting
Councilor House voting
Councilor Huff voting
Councilor Hunter voting
Councilor McDaniel voting
Councilor Poydasheff voting
Councilor Rodgers voting
Councilor Smith voting
Councilor Suber voting
Councilor Thomas voting
Councilor Turner Pugh voting
Councilor Woodson voting
Tiny B. Washington, Clerk Of Council
Robert S. Poydasheff, Mayor

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