A Resolution

No. _____

A Resolution Authorizing THE EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING/DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN \n \n THE CITY OF COLUMBUS AND BRIGHT-MEYERS 2001, LLC. FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION \n \n IMPROVEMENTS ON VICTORY DRIVE ASSOCIATED WITH RETAIL DEVELOPMENT. whereas, the City and the Development Authority marketed property on Victory Drive to \n \n recruit retail developments to the area,
whereas, as part of any major developments, transportation improvements are required to \n \n improve access and traffic flow in the area,
WHEREAS, the City committed to perform transportation improvements on Victory \n \n Drive in accordance with Georgia Department of Transportation standards and \n \n permits as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding/Development Agreement,

That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the Memorandum of \n \n Understanding between the City of Columbus and Bright-Meyers 2001, LLC , for \n \n public transportation improvements along Victory Drive associated with the \n \n Development as outlined in the MOU/ Development Agreement in accordance with \n \n Georgia Department of Transportation standards and permits. Funds are \n \n available in the FY15 TSPLOST Discretionary Funds for this project.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held the _________ day of _____________ and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of  _____________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting
Councilor Anthony voting
Councilor Baker voting
Councilor Barnes voting
Councilor Buck voting
Councilor Crabb voting
Councilor Davis voting
Councilor Garrett voting
Councilor Henderson voting
Councilor House voting
Councilor Huff voting
Councilor Hunter voting
Councilor McDaniel voting
Councilor Poydasheff voting
Councilor Rodgers voting
Councilor Smith voting
Councilor Suber voting
Councilor Thomas voting
Councilor Turner Pugh voting
Councilor Woodson voting
Tiny B. Washington, Clerk Of Council
Teresa Tomlinson, Mayor

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