Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Honorable Mayor and Councilors
City Manager
City Attorney
Clerk of Council

Subject: Subject: (EXCP-01-18-0025) Special Exception Use request to allow for a

150-foot telecommunications facility located at 3202 Edgewood Road, Columbus,

Georgia 31907.

Robert Poydasheff has submitted an application for the Special Exception Use

cited above. The property is located in a RO (Residential Office) zoning

district. The site for the proposed telecommunications facility is an

operating club/lodge or banquet facility located at 3202 Edgewood Road. The

purpose of the Special Exception Use is to allow for the operation of a

telecommunications facility located within the RO (Residential Office) zoning


  1. Access. - Is or will the type of street providing access to the use be adequate to serve the proposed special exception use?
    Edgewood Road is an arterial road. It will provide adequate free flow

    movement. This use will be an accessory use to the property.
  2. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety. - Is or will access into and out of the property be adequate to provide for traffic and pedestrian safety, the anticipated volume of traffic flow, and access by emergency vehicles?
    Access into and out of the property in question will provide for adequate

    traffic and pedestrian safety and emergency access.
  3. Adequacy of Public Facilities. - Are or will public facilities such as schools, water or sewer utilities, and police or fire protection be adequate to serve the special exception use?
    Services such as water, sewer, utilities, police, and fire protection are

  4. Protection from Adverse Affects. - Are or will refuse, service, parking and loading areas on the property be located or screened to protect other properties in the area from such adverse effects as noise, light, glare or odor?
    All mechanical equipment will be behind a six-foot-high fence. The property is

    surrounded by SFR2. Noise, light, flare and odor should be limited due to the

    nature of the equipment.
  5. Hours of Operation. - Will the hours and manner of operation of the special exception use have no adverse effects on other properties in the area?
    The hours of operation for this use will not have an adverse impact on the

    neighboring properties in the area. The tower should not have any foreseen

    hours of operation and the operation should be seamless, except for outages and

    required maintenance.
  6. Compatibility. - Will the height, size or location of the buildings or structures on the property be compatible with the height, size, character or location of buildings or other structures on neighboring properties?
    This structures height, size and location should match the uses found in other

    RO (Residential Office) properties. The structure will be screened from most

    view sheds for pedestrians.

Council District: District 5 (Baker)

Fifty-six (56) property owners within 300 feet of the property have been

notified by mail of the proposed Special Exception Use. The Planning Department

has received nine (9) comments opposing this request.

Overall theme of comments were concerns about decreased property values due to

wireless communication tower. Also concerned about evening noise if rezoned

for club or lodge or banquet facility

Additional Information:

The Planning Advisory Commission recommended approval at the March 07, 2018


The Planning Department recommends that the Council approve the use because the

application for a Special Exception Use meets the criteria for approval.


Rick Jones, AICP
Director, Planning Department

Enclosure / Attachment

cc: Columbus Area Habitat for Humanity

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