Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Honorable Mayor and Councilors
City Manager
City Attorney
Clerk of Council

Subject: Subject: (SEU0605-1) Special Exception Use request to operate a university or

college at 7200 North Lake Drive.

The George C. Woodruff Company submitted an application for the Special

Exception Use cited above. The property is located in an RO

(Residential-Office) District. The Planning Advisory Commission recommended

approval of the Special Exception Use request on June 7, 2006. A proposed text

amendment will allow universities and colleges as Special Exception Uses in RO

zoning districts. The purpose of the Special Exception Use is to operate a

university or college as a Special Exception Use. If the text amendment is

approved by Council, universities or colleges shall be permitted in an RO

zoning district only on a site-specific basis upon approval of the Council

based upon the following criteria and conditions:

(1) Access: Is or will the type of street providing access to the use be

adequate to serve the proposed special exception use?

Access to the property is adequate for the proposed use onto North Lake Drive.

This street connects to a 4-way intersection at Double Churches Road, which

provides excellent access to Fortson Road, Double Churches Road, Veterans

Parkway, and JR Allen Parkway.

(2) Traffic and Pedestrian Safety: Is or will access into and out of the

property be adequate to provide for traffic and pedestrian safety, the

anticipated volume of the traffic flow, and access by emergency vehicles?

Peak time morning traffic on Double Churches Road should not be affected.

However, afternoon peak time may cause delays. The proposed use is expected to

adequately meet requirements for ingress and egress, internal circulation

(traffic and pedestrian), traffic volume, and public safety access. Pedestrian

traffic along North Lake Drive is good due to the low traffic volume and wide

sidewalks along said road. Public safety access is not a problem.

(3) Adequacy of Public Facilities: Are or will public facilities such as

school, water, or sewer utilities and police and fire protection be adequate to

serve the special exception use?

The proposed use is served by all city services. There will be no school


(4) Protection from Adverse Affects: Are or will refuse, service, parking and

loading areas on the property be located or screened to protect other

properties in the area from such adverse effects as noise, light, glare or odor?

The proposed use is not expected to adversely affect neighboring properties.

Issues dealing with parking, loading, external dumpsters / compactors, and

light are addressed in the UDO. Noise impacts are addressed in the City Code.

(5) Hours of Operation: Will the hours and manner of operation of the special

exception use have no adverse effects on other properties in the area?

The university/college will be open daily from approximately 9 AM to 10 PM. The

neighboring properties should not be affected by the proposed use.

(6) Compatibility: Will the height, size, or location of the buildings or other

structures on the property be compatible with the height, size, character, or

location of buildings or other structures on neighboring properties?

The proposed use is in the back of an office complex and will be adjacent to

Hamilton Station apartment complex, which has multi-story units. The proposed

structures should not have a detrimental effect on neighboring properties.

Four (4) property owners within 300 feet of the parcel were notified by letter

of the proposed Special Exception Use. To date, the Planning Division has not

received any comments about the Special Exception Use request.

The application for a Special Exception Use meets the criteria for approval,

therefore, the Planning Advisory Commission and the Planning Division recommend

that the Council approve the use.



Rick Jones, AICP
Director, Planning Department

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