Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Honorable Mayor and Councilors
City Manager
City Attorney
Clerk of Council

Subject: (VAR0609-01) Hardship variance to waive street frontage requirements at 7240

Cartledge Road.

Planning Recommendation: APPROVAL


Applicant: Brad Coppedge

Owner: Angelia Fisher

Acreage: 9.01 acres

Current Zoning Classification: RE1 ? Residential Estate 1

Current Use of Property: Undeveloped

Proposed Use of Property: Undeveloped

Planning District: Planning District 4

General Use: Residential

Environmental Impacts: None

Surrounding Zoning: RE1? Residential Estates 1

RE1 ? Residential Estates 1

RE1 ? Residential Estates 1

RE1 ? Residential Estates 1

Traffic Impact: None

Planning Department Recommendation: APPROVAL based upon the fact that the

strict enforcement of the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance is

not applicable to the subject property.

Reasonableness of Request: The proposed variance is reasonable because it does

not disrupt the existing rural character of the neighborhood.


This application is for a replat to subdivide an existing parcel totaling 70

+/- acres into 2 lots. The 9.01 acre lot would be sold to the property owner

north of the property. The remaining property is being sold for development

potential. The neighbors to the north are buying the property to help ensure a

buffer from future development to the south. There are two owners to the north

but they are father-and-daughter. The 9.01 acre tract would stay in family


The applicant is proposing to waive public street frontage requirements and

allow an existing private drive to serve as the primary right of entry onto the

subject property. The project site is located off of Highway 80. The proposed

replat is consistent with the RE1 minimum 1.0 acre or 43,560 square feet lot

size requirement for newly created lots.

Section 7.3.5 (F2) of the Columbus Unified Development Ordinance states, ?all

lots shall front on a minimum of 25 feet of dedicated public right-of-way or

upon a right-of-way that has received the legal status as such.? The proposed

subdivision of the existing lot creates one (1) lot which does not meet the

minimum street frontage requirement as stated above.


In order to grant the requested variances, the City Council must make a

decision that is based upon all of the following findings required by the

variance regulations of the Columbus Zoning Ordinance:

The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public safety,

health or welfare or injurious to other property;

The granting of this variance will not adversely affect neighboring properties.

The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the

property for which the variance is sought and are not applicable generally to

other property;

The conditions are unique because the only opportunity for a buffer is for the

south property owner to sell a portion of property to the north property

owner. Because there is no road frontage at this particular location, having a

land-locked lot as a buffer from future development is the only alternative.

Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical

conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the

owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict

letter of these regulations are carried out; and

The remainder of the subject property has limited street frontage on Cartledge

Road. This street frontage is at the southernmost end of the property. A

different property owner owns the sliver of property running north along

Cartledge Road.

The variances will not in any manner vary the provisions of the Zoning

Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan or Official Map.

Granting of the variance will not vary the provisions of the Unified

Development Ordinance. It will preserve the existing character of the

neighborhood and retain the scope of the Unified Development Ordinance and

Comprehensive Plan.

The granting of this variance to waive the minimum street frontage requirement

will not detract from the intent and spirit of the Zoning Ordinance and will

not adversely impact the overall objectives of the area as outlined in the

Comprehensive Plan.



Rick Jones, AICP
Director, Planning Department


NO. ___________



WHEREAS, the final plat for 7240 Cartledge Road has been submitted for

approval by the Planning Director; and,

WHEREAS, the applicant requests a variance to allow an access easement to

satisfy street frontage requirements in order to plat a landlocked lot at 7240

Cartledge Road; and,

WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 7.3.5(F.2) of the Columbus Unified

Development Ordinance requires that all lots front on a minimum 25 feet of

dedicated public right-of-way or upon a right-of-way that has received the

legal status of such, except as provided for within specific zoning districts

in Section 7.4.2; and,

WHEREAS, Article 4, Section 7.4.2(A) of the Columbus Unified

Development Ordinance states that private streets, reserve strips or access

easements are prohibited except in multi-family and nonresidential developments

or as otherwise approved by the City Council on a case-by-case basis; and,

WHEREAS, the Planning Department has reviewed the request and finds

that the criteria for approval of a hardship variance have been met, and

recommends approval



That the criterion of Article 3, Section 7.3.5(F2), which provides that all

lots front on a minimum 25 feet of dedicated public right-of-way, is hereby

waived at 7240 Cartledge Road.

That the criterion of Article 4, Section 7.4.2(A), which states that private

streets, reserve strips or access easements are prohibited except in

multi-family and nonresidential developments, is hereby waived for the proposed

landlocked lot at 7240 Cartledge Road.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held the

day of

, 2006, and adopted at said meeting by the

affirmative vote of members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting _______

Councilor Anthony voting _______

Councilor Davis voting _______

Councilor Henderson voting _______

Councilor Hunter voting _______

Councilor McDaniel voting _______

Councilor Pugh voting _______

Councilor Rodgers voting _______

Councilor Suber voting _______

Councilor Woodson voting _______


Tiny B. Washington Robert Poydasheff

Clerk of Council Mayor

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