Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016


Honorable Mayor and Councilors
City Manager
City Attorney
Clerk of Council

Subject: (EXCP-4-14-0876) Special Exception Use request to construct a 95-feet Wireless

Telecommunication Facility (Mono-Pine) located at 6507 Moon Road.


Rick Jones, AICP
Director, Planning Department

Verizon Wireless/Andy Rotenstreich have submitted an application for the

Special Exception Use cited above. The property is located in a SFR1 (Single

Family Residential 1) zoning district. The site for the proposed cell tower is

approximately 5.025 acres. The applicant has submitted a site plan, which is

attached. Wireless telecommunication facilities are permitted in the SFR1

zoning district only on a site-specific basis upon approval of the Council

based upon the following criteria and conditions:

(1) Access: Is or will the type of street providing access to the use be

adequate to serve the proposed special exception use?

Access to the property is adequate for the proposed use.

(2) Traffic and Pedestrian Safety : Is or will access into and out of the

property be adequate to provide for traffic and pedestrian safety, the

anticipated volume of the traffic flow, and access by emergency vehicles?

There will be no impact to the transportation system, nor will there be any

impact to pedestrian safety.

(3) Adequacy of Public Facilities: Are or will public facilities such as

school, water, or sewer utilities and police and fire protection be adequate to

serve the special exception use?


(4) Security: Will all towers and related equipment be enclosed by

decay-resistant security fencing not less than six feet in height, and equipped

with anti-climbing devices as appropriate to prevent unauthorized access?

Yes, the compound will be secured by a seven-foot high wood privacy fence which

shall be maintained. In addition, such tower shall be equipped with other

anti-climbing devices as appropriate to prevent unauthorized access.

(5) Hours of Operation: Will the hours and manner of operation of the special

exception use have no adverse effects on other properties in the area?


(6) Height Limitations: Does the height of the proposed structure conform to

the restrictions listed in the UDO?

No, the proposed tower does not conform to the maximum allowable height for

telecommunication facilities in the Single Family Residential 1 zoning

district. The maximum allowed height is 60 feet. The applicant is requesting a

variance in order to erect a 95 feet tower (Mono-Pine).

(7) Proximity to Residential Uses: Does the proposed tower conform to the

minimum distance requirement from residential structures and residential

district boundaries as set forth in the UDO?

No, the proposed telecommunication facility will be located within 300 feet of

the nearest residential structure. The two closest residential structures are

located at 135.7 feet and 168.6 feet from the proposed tower which is below the

requirement. The applicant is requesting a condition to reduce the minimum

distance to a residential structure from 300 feet to 135 feet.

(8) Landscaping and Screening: Does the site plan incorporate proper

landscaping and screening of the compound and equipment area?

The site plan submitted for the project does show landscaping or screening of

the area. As indicated in Section 3.2.72.K.2.of the UDO, towers and related

equipment shall be surrounded by a minimum 10 foot wide area meeting buffer

standard that is consistent with the requirements of Article 5 of Chapter 4 of

the UDO.

Council District: District 2 (Davis)

Thirty Six (36) property owners within 300 feet of the property have been

notified by mail of the proposed Special Exception Use. To date, the Planning

Department has received two calls inquiring in regards to this request. They

wanted to know more details about the proposed use but didn?t expressed being

in favor or opposition to the case.

Additional Information:

As per the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 3.2.72.E., an antenna,

tower or concealed support structure shall not be located on a lot platted or

used for single-family residential purposes. In the residential zoning

districts, an antenna, tower or concealed support structure may only be located

on a property approved for non-single-family residential use, such as a

multifamily development, a church or school.

The property is owned by St. Peter United Methodist Church which has been

strategically chosen to enable Verizon Wireless to provide improved coverage to

this immediate area of north Columbus. As indicated on the enclosed propagation

maps, the proposed facility is proposed to improve wireless service

availability and in-building level coverage in this residential area of Moon

Road and Weems Road.

In addition, the applicant has also indicated that there are no other parcels

available to locate this proposed tower. In order to fill the significant gap

in coverage in the area, Verizon Wireless has reported that they must have a

tower located within this search ring. Every parcel in the search ring contains

a residential structure except the proposed parcel (church) and a parcel

(church) located diagonally across the adjacent intersection. The diagonally

located parcel is according to Verizon Wireless substantially lower in

elevation thereby requiring additional tower height, and is smaller in size

than the proposed site parcel. There are no antenna structures that fall

within the search area, nor are there any existing antennas structures within

3,000 feet of the proposed location.

The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study that

revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not

be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is

(are) met: As a condition to this Determination, the structure is

marked/lighted in accordance with FAA Advisory circular

70/7460-1 K Change 2, Obstruction Marking and Lighting, a med-dual system -

Chapters 4,8 (M-Dual), &12.

The Planning Advisory Commission recommended Conditional Approval at the May

21, 2014 meeting. The recommended conditions are:

1. The maximum tower height shall be increased from 60 feet to 95 feet.

2. The minimum distance to a residential structure shall be reduced from 300

feet to 135 feet.

3. A Mono-Pine cell tower shall be required and maintained at this location.

The Planning Department recommends that the Council Deny the use because the

application for a Special Exception use does not meet the criteria for approval

in regards to the distance to residential (300 ft) and maximum height (60 feet).


Rick Jones, AICP

Director, Planning Department

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