Subject: Karl Douglass has withdrawn his application (via e-mail) for a text amendment
regarding conversion of a residential accessory structure. Per the Unified
Development Ordinance, a case that is withdrawn (after the case has been called
for) has to be accepted or declined for withdrawal at Council. The section
regarding this process is stated below:
Section 10.2.8. Withdrawal.
E. Withdrawal Request Following Call for Ordinance. If the request for
withdrawal is made by the applicant after the City Council has called for the
ordinance and public hearing, the petition shall remain on the City Council
public hearing agenda and the withdrawal request shall be considered for
approval or denial by the City Council.
1. If the withdrawal request is denied, then the public hearing on the
approval or denial of the petition will proceed.
2. When withdrawal of a petition for a zoning change has been approved
by the Council at their public hearing on the ordinance, the Council will not
consider a new petition for a zoning change for a different zone classification
or special exception use until the lapse of six months, or for the same zone
classification or special exception use until the lapse of 1 year, from the
date the withdrawal was approved.
The withdrawal e-mail is attached.