Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Memorandum

TO: Mayor and Councilors
Date: 8/28/2007 12:00:00 AM
TO: Mayor and Councilors
8/24/2007 2:30:00 PM
THRU: Isaiah Hugley, City Manager
FROM: Planning Department
Subject: Proposed Planning Advisory Commission Alternatives - Membership

At the request of Council, the Planning Department has begun the process to

re-evaluate the membership of the Planning Advisory Commission. Over the last

several months, the Planning Department has researched other communities in

Georgia, the southeast, and throughout the United States regarding the

characteristics of planning commission membership. On average, seven (7) to

nine (9) members account for the commissions in Georgia and the southeast. The

following 5 options are being presented for discussion and, eventually,


Option A

Status Quo

Commission consists of seven (7) voting members and two (2) alternates.

Currently, two of the members of the PAC live in SD 15 and seven live in SD

29. Of the members, two are black males; three are white females; one is a

black female; and three are white males.

All commissioners are at-large members.

Option B

Increase the Commission by adding two (2) additional alternates.

Commission would consist of seven (7) voting members and four (4) alternates.

All commissioners would be at-large members.

Option C

Eliminate the alternate positions and convert them to voting positions.

Commission would consist of nine (9) voting members.

All commissioners would be at-large members.

No commission researched in Georgia or the southeast has alternates.

Option D

Eliminate the alternate positions and convert them to voting positions.

Commission would consist of nine voting members.

Eight (8) members would represent a council district (nominated by the

councilor for his/her district) and one (1) member would be nominated by the


If a councilor is unable to find a commissioner from his/her district, then

they may nominate an at-large choice.

Under this scenario, commissioners should be phased in as terms expire.

Option E

Eliminate the alternate positions and convert them to voting positions.

Add two (2) voting members.

Commission would consist of eleven (11) voting members.

Eight (8) members would represent a council district (nominated by the

councilor for his/her district). Two (2) members would be at-large members

(each nominated by the at-large councilors). The Mayor would nominate One (1)


If a councilor is unable to find a commissioner from his/her district, then

they may nominate an at-large choice.

Under this scenario, commissioners should be phased in as terms expire.

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