Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Memorandum

TO: Mayor and Councilors
Date: 8/28/2007 12:00:00 AM
TO: Mayor and Councilors
8/24/2007 2:58:00 PM
THRU: Isaiah Hugley, City Manager
FROM: Planning Department
Subject: Moon Road Open House Comments

Attached is a summation of the comments the Planning Department received from

citizens at the July 26, 2007 public open house for Moon Road. At the meeting

citizens were given the chance to review four alternatives for the widening of

this road from Wilbur Drive to Whittlesey Boulevard. The alternatives

included: 1) intersection improvements; 2) widening to a three lane roadway; 3)

widening to a four lane roadway, with no median; and 4) widening to a four lane

roadway with a median. A fifth alternative was also available, which called

for the roadway to remain the same, with no improvements.

After reviewing each of the alternatives, citizens were given the opportunity

to select which alternative they would like to see constructed. Based upon the

comments staff received, the alternatives were chosen in this order: Alternate

3 - four lanes no median 39 comments; Alternate 2 - three lane widening 35

comments; Alternate 4 - four lanes with median 35 comments; Alternate 1 -

intersection improvements 8 comments; Alternate 5 - no build 6 comments; and no

choices 4 comments.

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