Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Memorandum

TO: Mayor and Councilors
Date: 3/7/2006 12:00:00 AM
TO: Mayor and Councilors
3/6/2006 10:52:00 AM
THRU: Isaiah Hugley, City Manager
FROM: David Arrington, Deputy City Manager
Subject: Video Cameras at Broadway & 13th St.

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The Traffic Engineering Division is installing video cameras at the

intersection of Broadway & 13th St. for the purpose of detecting vehicles to

call for signal phases and extend green signal timings. The cameras do not

involve monitoring for persons running the red light nor will they be used for

this purpose. We have signal loops cut into the pavement at this intersection

but continue to have problems with vehicles pulling off of the loop and not

getting a green signal. The design of this intersection has the stop bars

about two car lengths back from 13th St. Motorist continue to pull up to their

normal stopping position which is beyond the loop that is cut into the

pavement. The signal thinks that the car has already turned right on red.

This will be our first test intersection for using video cameras to detect


Another advantage to video cameras is that construction or damage to the

pavement does not interfere with vehicle detection. While video cameras are

not suited for every intersection, we believe it will improve signal operation

for this intersection. Another capability that will be available when our

Traffic Coordination Center becomes operational will be to view traffic

conditions thru these cameras and make necessary corrections in a more timely


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