Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Memorandum

TO: Mayor and Councilors
Date: 10/21/2008 12:00:00 AM
TO: Mayor and Councilors
Date: 10/21/2008 12:00:00 AM
10/17/2008 10:22:00 AM
THRU: Isaiah Hugley, City Manager
FROM: Rick Jones, AICP, Planning Director
Subject: Moon Road Project

Listed below is a brief chronology of the activity that has been focused upon

the Moon Road area for the past several years. In addition, attached is the

packet of information compiled from the last Public Information Open House,

showing the information handout; maps of the road project limits; and a

tabulation of the comments received from the survey presented at that meeting.

Moon Road Chronology:

1993 ? Plans to widen Moon Road (Wilbur to Whittlesey Parkway) from a two lane

to five lanes, with a median are identified in the Transportation Improvement

Plan, for funding consideration from the Georgia Department of Transportation.

2002 ? Preliminary plans for the proposed widening project are reviewed.

Initial findings indicate a potential negative impact to the adjoining

neighborhoods. Alternatives for construction, including the use of ?Contact

Sensitive Design? are requested from the City?s consultants on this project.

October 24, 2005 ? A public meeting is held at Morningside Presbyterian Church

to review proposed intersection improvements as an alternative to widening this

section of Moon Road. The results of the meeting did not produce a strong

consensus for this alternative.

July 26, 2007 ? A public meeting is held at North Highland Assembly of God

Church to review five proposed alternatives for the widening of Moon Road.

Approximately 160 citizens attend the meeting to review the alternatives and

vote on the one they prefer. The four-lane alternative is receives the most

votes (39), followed by the three-lane alternative (35), and the four-lane

alternative with a median (34). A full description of these items is attached.

January 22, 2008 ? At this Council work session, a presentation was made by

staff and the city?s consultant concerning the possible use of roundabouts on

Moon Road as an alternative. The presentation concluded that roundabouts were

not a workable solution for this project, and that four-lane alternative was

still the best option.

Summer 2008 ? Voters approve LOST referendum and Moon Road is identified as a

potential project using these funds.

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