Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Memorandum

TO: Mayor and Councilors
Date: 8/28/2007 12:00:00 AM
TO: Mayor and Councilors
8/20/2007 4:10:00 PM
THRU: Isaiah Hugley, City Manager
FROM: Rick Jones, AICP, Planning Director
Subject: Planning Department's Proposed Fee Increases

In February, 2007, the Planning Department submitted its Strategic Action Plan

which outlined the department's future needs and objectives. One of the

strategic goals called for the maintaining of a professional staff, which would

require the hiring of additional planning personnel. As part of its proposed

budget for fiscal year 2008, three additional planning positions were proposed,

mainly to help address the potential impact of BRAC and other developments on

the community. Realizing that at this time the General Fund could not support

this request, the department proposed increasing certain fees to help pay for

these positions.

As the attached proposed fee schedule shows, the only fee presently being

charged is for rezoning applications. All other items are being performed at

the city's cost. The revenue generated from these fees would provide for the

hiring of this additional personnel, while offsetting the cost of development

review. The collection of these funds would then be placed in a dedicated

account for the sole purpose of funding these positions. As with other

accounts of this type, the hiring of new staff members would only occur when

the funding is made available.

Staff has already had direct conversation with the Greater Columbus Home

Builders Association concerning these proposed fee increases. Attached is a

copy of the letter from the organization in support of this action. The

Planning Department is proposing the adoption of these fees by Council and an

implementation date of October 1, 2007.

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